Mia & Daniela – Lucky


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Amount of photos in album: 89 pictures
Resolution: 4480×6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 9:48
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

Steve P
4 years 3 months ago

This looks so good yet so evil Always making us jealous over here. Looking forward to tonight’s purchase

4 years 3 months ago

OMFG!! This is the hottest set that Marvel has put out. Whoever drew this assignment to film must be living right because he’s one lucky SOB.

4 years 3 months ago

I’ll ask the photographer. Come back later to see his response. 😆

4 years 3 months ago

Here is my response to those concerned:

This website will always be about the models. Some of you will not buy because you don’t approve of having a guys legs appear in the video. This was shot awhile ago, and I didn’t publish this before because I know it’s not necessarily the TM style. The idea for the set was the girls have fun together, and a little lap dancing was done to accompany it. The photo set doesn’t have any of that, and the video has maybe 1-2 minutes of it. I thought maybe to cut it, but if we don’t experiment with things like this we’ll never know what works and what doesn’t with our fans.

If you don’t like this, I can promise you that there is no more of this type of content left. I am the biggest fan of keeping the purity of our modeling sites away from certain things, so I will apologize if I made anybody angry with this. Don’t get angry at the photographer, as it was mostly my idea. I am happy to hear anybody’s thoughts on this, even from those who don’t mind it. But please remember that even if the majority would not mind more content where models get a helping hand, this website will not turn into that no matter how much pressure we receive.

Thanks. 🙂

4 years 3 months ago

I’m fine with it. It was tease and not pornographic and you are right the photo set was just the two of them.

The Judge
4 years 3 months ago

Welcome view. I am all for it. You can always post such things and more at HardMarvel or MarvelHard 😉

4 years 3 months ago

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE REPLY. and Thanks for the private email too. I can go back to sleep fully relax now.

4 years 3 months ago

Nice write up TM. I’m already cruising the boards so I thought I would leave a comment.

I personally would really dislike this if it was in a set/video that I bought. I think it ruins the immersion with models. I am probably lucky in that the 1 model I purchase regularly – I already know 100% won’t be doing this in her sets/videos with the photographer. I sympathize with the people that got upset by this, but on the other hand I also appreciate that TM is willing to experiment and try new things out…and hey, maybe I am in the minority. Perhaps using a strawpoll or something first would be good to have for when you have new ideas? I dunno :mrgreen:

4 years 3 months ago

Really? People got angry at this set? Angry? Geez, some people need to chill the fuck out. lol
Well, i liked it, same as i liked Maia’s last update, and Elza’s sets and as long as TM keeps releasing those kind of sets i’ll buy them. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

4 years 3 months ago

Apparently the ***** are upset that the models weren’t acting pure and virginal.

4 years 3 months ago

Let’s relax a little bit. 🙂

4 years 3 months ago

Variety is the spice that brings us back. Keep it up. If I don’t buy today Ill buy tomorrow,
My choice is small boobies and full bush. I keep coming back and I keep buying.
Hopes are always high

4 years 3 months ago

My view of the matter is the same as the boss, who wrote it really well. – Anyway, I can make sure – that this was just an experiment and in truth, I was just sitting, not moving and enjoying the show. I had both hands on camera and let the girls do what they wanted.

4 years 3 months ago

You sir showed remarkable restraint,if it were me,I’d of been fired for planting a kiss on Daniela’s amazing bum. 🙂

4 years 3 months ago

Thanks TM for the response.
I’m one of the people who wrote to TM directly, thinking I would be the only one who wouldn’t like this, so I thought it best to write to admin directly.
Not angry at all and surely hope my message wasn’t seen that way, my apologies if it nonetheless was. More unpleasantly surprised.
I can see definitely the appeal, it’s just not for me, I guess as JD said, it breaks the fantasy.

The way I see it, it’s “out of sight, out of mind” if you don’t see the photographer you don’t think about the photographer being there and you are immersed in the idea the model is there just for you. At least that’s what I believe is the appeal for me and why I keep buying set after set. Seeing the photographer breaks that immersion.
That said I very much appreciate the work done by the photographer and will make it a point to express that appreciation more often.

Please never stop experimenting. There have been some truly golden ideas in the past and I’m sure there are ones just waiting to be put in reality (hint, hint teddy bear POV)

4 years 3 months ago

I’m a girl and I like it. I don’t mind guys legs.

3 years 10 months ago

For me im fine, i can imagine thats me they are dancing on, so for me its ok

Solid Snake
4 years 3 months ago

I’m not a fan of this time of stuff. I lost interest in Maia and very disappointing seeing a pretty model like her being touch by the photographer.

Theirs a reason I keep coming back for my favorite model here over other sites and don’t want to see this happening to her ever.

4 years 3 months ago

I’ll throw my two cents in for what its worth. I’m not offended or put off by this type of content; however I can sympathize with those that are. The allure of the Marvel brand for myself; was seeing gorgeous women photographed glamour style without knowing the models did harder content. I know a couple of the models (one for sure) have done HARD scenes, and that is off putting; to myself. While I do enjoy b/g content; I rarely; if ever pay for it. I’m not a fan of seeing another man get laid or teased by models, who I am fantasizing doing the same to myself. Seeing someone else in the frame with the models, takes the fantasy away. However; I can see the necessity or even desire for this type of content. If the Marvel team decides to continue this route, I hope another website will be dedicated to the harder content.

4 years 3 months ago

I agree with you. Anyway I belive that you actually don’t see this set, becouse this is not harder then girls are doing in duo’s usually.
What you see in the example is my person’s greatest involvement in the action. And I played the same role that a teddy bear would play 😉 maybe next time we can try to do a POV from a teddy bear’s point of view so that it doesn’t cause such a stir.

4 years 3 months ago

I like this idea.

4 years 3 months ago

I LOVE that idea. Make one with Katrina and a teddy bear. Yum 🙂

4 years 3 months ago

I have an idea Lets take this set as an example, this set is about Mia & Daniela, when the POV part started why don’t you give the camera to Caroline or another model who is there which is not involve in the set !? 🙂

4 years 3 months ago

duos with Mia are the best, maybe Rebecca and Mia next duo would be nice

4 years 3 months ago

I have no problem with TM trying something different…I can choose whether to buy or not from the preview and comments. Experiment away.

I will say that I have little interest in buying BG content. Happy with seeing just a girl, and sometimes GG.

Man from the South
4 years 3 months ago

This isn’t pornographic at all. Much Ado About Nothing (William Shakespeare).

4 years 3 months ago

Sure ae a lot of whiners on here. So offended by a man’s knees. Don’t like it, don’t buy it. I quit buying Daniella sets when she got all those tattoos, This is older so I will buy it. Mia is my favorite model here so no brainer there. Bottom line; everyone doesn’t like the same thing. For me, it’s tattoos and a full bush. Both major thumbs down. Vote with your wallet, voice your concerns, but don’t tell TM or the photographer not to do something because you don’t like it. Let the rest of us decide for ourselves.

4 years 3 months ago

Daniela has not gotten any new tattoos, I think maybe you meant Caroline?
But thank you for the comment, I like hearing from everyone.

Edit: Dani got a small tat on her chest for her dog last year before this set, but nothing new this year. Sorry for the confusion.

4 years 3 months ago

Are you really comparing Tattoos with maybe someday it may lead to pornography!!!?? Having a male in photoshoot was never part of the TM/MC agenda. Why Change now. I never support in my life any HC websites and I will not start now. I have some boundaries the same as Lili has one. (she will never do fully nude and I will never support pornography).

4 years 3 months ago

What???? I’m saying I don’t like tattoos, nothing else. If you don’t like to see a guy, don’t buy it, Pretty simple really. FYI, this is a LONG way from porno.

4 years 3 months ago

Yes, I agree it’s a long way from porno. It just an honest lap dance. Oh, wait this not porno he just using his hand. Oh no, this not porno just BJ. Well, we did all this, why not go all the way!!!!. Then instead of recruiting new models Like Lili, Kayley, Madison, Cutie, or Petra on and on. We will be seeing models as we see on any website. There a reason why you see these girls only here. Guys, you need to realize they are billion of websites that provide these kinds of content and very very few like TM/MC, and these few are not as good as TM/MC.

4 years 3 months ago

Would have loved to have seen a set focused only on Mia and nothing but her… But this is a START! Its about time i see some Mia on this site ! Dont get me wrong Daniella is sexy as hell but theres plenty of her to purchase, meanwhile Mia only has maybe 2-3 solo sets at most.. Wish we had more of her.. Hopefully we get more coming ! Might consider buying this!

4 years 3 months ago

love how they always plays with each others booobs

4 years 3 months ago

i feel bad for the photographer. they only touched his legs. i was waiting for one of the hands to move and feel his junk but didn’t happen. btw i would have paid a year’s salary to replace him for that shoot 🙂 I think he was a saint in a previous life or something to get so lucky.

4 years 3 months ago

Just putting out my opinion, don’t want to see photographers legs, hands, or even shadow if he can avoid it. And, I also really enjoy porn, but I get that for free. I spend a lot of money here to see beautiful women, and quite honestly there are some beautiful women in porn, but none as beautiful as the women here. I understand the video isn’t anywhere near porn, but it’s just for me, crossing a line I personally would rather not see TM cross.

4 years 3 months ago

To everyone, ignore the negative down votes, some like to abuse it.
I’ve removed it and just kept the upvotes.

4 years 3 months ago

I say continue with the photographer involvement. Switch it up a little. Add some more flavor and spice to the extreme tease content of this site. I dont believe for a second TM will lose any customers if they did. Everyone can “complain”, but i bet a years worth of membership, no one will leave because of it. The complaints are 100% kiss ass, in my honest opinion. Keep pushing to new extremes TM. That is what made this website become so successful over the years… But most importantly, do so, with the comfort and permission of the models always!!!

4 years 3 months ago

Was the bullcrap from those people who have unhealthy fantasies about the Marvel models that bad that you put up another model after less than 24 hrs? It was a great,fun set,I would not mind seeing more playfulness instead of seeing the same old tired poses. There,now you know how I really feel.

4 years 3 months ago

We will always experiment, but I don’t think it has to involve a guy. I hope you don’t doubt us to surprise you. 😉

4 years 3 months ago

No,I have always been pleasantly surprised by the goings on here,that is why I remain here,I look forward to the next surprise,keep up the great work and thanx for letting me vent.

4 years 3 months ago

I am not a that regular customer at TM since I already spend to much on the sister MC site 😉

But when I spend I spend here one model is Mia since she is hot as hell. But now I also buy this set since i fully support the photographer and TM. as soon as I saw the preview I thought is was fun and I 100% agree with DocMatt on this. I think some people overreact. And as I have said before on the sister site: As long as the models have fun I will continue support the models/photograhers amazing work. And again there is NO competitors on the web!

4 years 3 months ago

Thank you very much. I appreciate it.

4 years 3 months ago

Just bought this, and honestly was a bit dissapointed, especially compared to the last masterpieces that petra made those videos are AMAZING!!! Would love to see a solo Mia video with poses the way Petra does without hiding anything, doesnt even have to be fully naked even in some see thru lingerie would be amazing. The Mia and Sofi videos are good but this video just didnt hit it off for me… Guess it just needed more focus on the models by themselves , idk something was off but i hope to see some more Mia soon ! Im sure my next Mia purchase will not be dissapointing!

Mo Sadiq
4 years 3 months ago

I understand the need for new ideas to keep themes fresh. A guys legs isn’t anything really. Let’s not delude ourselves here. Videos of girls using sex toys or masterbating IS pornographic so why would anybody get offended buy a pair of guy’s legs?
I like the fact that the Marvel sites aren’t that extreme. The girls can choose what they want to do with no pressure and I prefer giving my money knowing this. With this been said, I don’t see a problem with a shoot involving a guy in a non sexual way. Even a kiss wouldn’t bother me. If you don’t like the theme you don’t have to buy. Let’s keep things fresh and be open to new ideas.


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