⭐Kayley – Creamy⭐


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Amount of photos in album: 107 pictures
Resolution: 4480×6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 6:01
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

5 years 5 months ago

and now i m waiting my order hope it will be quick <3

5 years 5 months ago

Oh sweet sweet Kayley of mine. Words fail me. Brilliant job with the music! That was a clever touch that hit me in the feels remembering how excited was when you announced her debut here :),

Thank you TM, and Thank You Kayley!!!

5 years 5 months ago

WOW I’m speechless

5 years 5 months ago

Speechless. Simply awesome. Thank you, Kayley, for sharing your beauty with us.

5 years 5 months ago


5 years 5 months ago

Best ever set from Kayley!!! I have a serious sweet tooth and just drooled on my phone’s screen.

5 years 5 months ago

The server is literally on fire. Send help.

You guys really liked this.

5 years 5 months ago

Thank you Kayley!!!

5 years 5 months ago

The best melons in this place, in my opinion 😉

5 years 5 months ago

I was so excited, I fat fingered my credit card the first time. This has been 9 months in the making for me, and I know a lot longer for others. It is going to be a good night.

5 years 5 months ago

hi kayley thank you so very much you are a beautiful young lady well worth the money, i hope it isn’t too long until we see you fully naked make my dreams come true please kayley please

5 years 5 months ago

Thank you Kayley!! Thank you Kayley! A 1000 times, such a cutie

Katrina fan
5 years 5 months ago

Is she fully topless showing the goods or covered in cream topless? Inquiring minds want to know

5 years 5 months ago

Half of the set she is wearing a bra and panties. The other half she has cream. And half of those topless pictures are hand bra pictures. I would say too many hand bra pictures and in a few pictures, but Kayley is so sexy and pretty. SO beautiful.

5 years 5 months ago

The photo previews that are on this page are generally what you’ll see. Nothing more, nothing less.

5 years 5 months ago

My only (very frivolous) disappointment is that she shaved her forearms. Nit-picky, I know, but I prefer nature-made over some perceived concept of the “correct” way to present oneself. Just my humble opinion, to be taken with as large or small grain of salt as one requires.

J. Smith
5 years 5 months ago

My name is Donald J. Trump, and I approve this message.

Kay Lee
5 years 5 months ago

Holy Boobs Batman! Do I buy this or pay the rent?

5 years 5 months ago

You pay your rent.

J. Smith
5 years 5 months ago

Pay the rent now so we can watch and enjoy this later lol. TM doesn’t mind if we get it later as long as we get it. 😀

5 years 5 months ago

Thank you Kayley! They are more glorious that I could have imagined!! You are stunning from head-to-toe!!!

5 years 5 months ago

what can I say, yes it’s an expensive set, but…. Kayley is see good, soo sexy, soo hot…. speechless !!!! thank you Kayley and thank you TM 🙂

5 years 5 months ago

Ugh $40, short video, but I had high expectations so I went for it and her boobs are blurred out at the end of the video… At $20 blurry is OK…

5 years 5 months ago

Yeah, the video could have been a lot better by making it just a bit longer. I had tho same high expectations.

5 years 5 months ago

I think for $40 I expected an actual reveal. I must say as my favorite model on TM, I am a bit sad for the cost to content ratio on this. Feels a bit disingenuous because with all the other raised price content in the past, there is usually more there. I think they were counting on that, which helped sell this set.

5 years 5 months ago

What do you determine content by? The length of the video? Or the models performance?
If it was 3 minutes longer, but the same performance level, would this be acceptable?

Just curious what you want. Kayleys photographer keeps vids shorter than our usual.

Dark Soul
5 years 5 months ago

Since you ask, I have always liked natural photo shoots. Not procedural ones. A nice open shirt, deep cut shirt, loose shirt, and if a nipple wants to say hello, it does. A girl in a skirt does a twirl and we get an eye full, great. Knowing the goods will most likely be at the end makes me want to skip to the end. Photo shoots that don’t go from a to z and are spontaneous are usually the ones that make me pant with excitement.

Steve P
5 years 5 months ago

Oh c’mon, it’s her first time going this far dudes. Plus there is a thing on the top of every page on this site that says “tease”. Put two and two together and this could be a slow but steady start to her being more comfortable later on. Did Queen Lili start off totally nude here?

Give a man a fish and he complains you didn’t give him 10 more.

5 years 5 months ago

I’m agree about the blurry ending ,for 40$ I would never imagine an ending like that ,I was a little disappointed. But about the duration I don’t have any problem with shorter videos when they are very good and more revealing like this vid. This was a perfect video till the 3 last seconds … Beside that ,the set is very good ,better than the video this time. In general I prefer videos but not here.

5 years 5 months ago

Thank you very much for this, Kayley. This was wonderful.

5 years 5 months ago

I probably won’t be buying this but it looks like a very nice set, definitely have been tempted. I did just want to give props to TM for putting on a really good event this the last couple weeks, I think it has been the best of all the events we’ve ever had. Top notch sets for just about everyone who visits to this site. Well done guys.

5 years 5 months ago

Didn’t read the comments, didn’t look at the preview, just got home from work so it was out there and put it in the cart…

Thank you to Kayley for sharing yourself with us. I will with great glee purchase any set you post where ever it is posted.

Steve P
5 years 5 months ago

I’m ready for dessert!

5 years 5 months ago

just needs some jam and will be the best dessert ever. Yummy! Kayley has a figure and a half.

5 years 5 months ago

Thank you Kayley. Beautiful pictures and video. I hope you will continue to model for us.

5 years 5 months ago

Happy to see other people supporting Her, but i will have to skip this one. She`s my 2nd favourite model on this website, 1st one is ofc Lili and spending $30 on Her set was a must buy for me and i was happy with it, but this price is to step for me, especially when Her other set called “Climax” was showing the same or even better ( no cream, lol ) and it was costing $15. But as i said, happy to see other supporters but for $40 that`s a “no” from me

5 years 5 months ago

I’m not trying to convince you to change your mind, but there is significantly more on show here compared to “Climax” 🙂

5 years 5 months ago

Kayley has been my favorite for a long time. Before her return here, I thought she was done! Not only has she returned, but gotten better & better with every photoshoot not just revealing more but her confidence level has grown so much in a short time. Thank you Kayley & I can’t for what your bright future holds!

5 years 5 months ago

Does she actually show those things or what? Lol and I mean without cream. I gotta know. Even if it’s just for a second.

5 years 5 months ago

Thank you Kayley. That was really amazing.

5 years 5 months ago

And where do we go from here!?!?! A new precedent has been set, I can’t wait to see what Kayley has in store for us. Thank you Teenmarvel for bringing us Kayley!

5 years 5 months ago

The reviews leave me reluctant. But I appreciate the transparency. Long term loyalty should take precedent over a single sale. By allowing comments from both ends of the spectrum, TM is showing its members that our loyalty is important. Quite pricey for a few obscured nipple pics. Especially since other favorite models are doing more for less. Yes, Kayley has great cans, but so does Raine, Maddie and Sofi, among others. Great event, TM! I’m going to sit this one out. Thanks for the comment transparency. P. S. I’m still going to spend the $40, but on other, more reasonable, models.

5 years 5 months ago

They’ve actually deleted some negative comments about this video.

5 years 5 months ago

Anybody else waiting for 21+ hours to receive their files? This has happened to me on the last 2 sets. I can understand it happening once but it seems to be the new normal for me now.

5 years 5 months ago

We’re working through orders now.

5 years 5 months ago

It”s official, TM you have turned me into a dehydrated torso. Thank you and all the models for this fantastic event

5 years 5 months ago

Hi all, this comment is just going to be about pricing. It’s going to be a long post, so if you don’t care about that stuff then no need to read further.

Lots of questions have come up regarding the price of the event sets. Some comments didn’t make it through as we don’t think they add to the discussion, but even long term fans have questions about it.

The cost of upkeep for TM (and MC) are extremely high. I’m talking well over 5 digit numbers each month. Why is upkeep so much? Because we do our best to give models and photographers the best income stability in this niche industry. It’s why we have great models like Lili, Kayley, Sofi, Kris Karson, etc. The only way to offset costs is obvious: increase income. How you do this varies from business to business. We do this in a variety of ways, the most basic being put out as many sets as possible. Then, of course, we do bundles, sales, and events to increase interest.

The other thing to consider is that prices are not set in a vacuum – the models also determine what their price should be. This is one of the few industries where they have majority control, The contract we have with Kayley would have you thinking we’re crazy, but I believe it to be worth every penny. Like all models, we coach her on what fans like to see, and she determines if she’s okay with it or not. All models have their own morals, some are more comfortable with doing different things than others.

So if you’re in the models shoes, and you’ve been modeling since you were young…now you are asked by the fans to take the next step. What would you do? You know they have followed you for years. You know they are perverts 😛 . If it aligns with your morals and you’re comfortable with it, then the next step is to realize what your price should be. Here is where most of the confusion happens.

I assume most here think that pricing from our sites is based on what the model is showing. In my mind, this is how I think most of you see things:
Regular Set: $12
Premium Set: $20
Above and Beyond: $30

While this is partially true, it has caveats. This pricing can’t be compared to what another model is doing. We can’t just compare what Kayley or Lili is doing and compare it to Naomi or Maddie. If this was strictly just a Kayley website and all other models were removed, I think most would feel more comfortable with the pricing. The price is more based on our contract for the model, what the models current catalog looks like, what they’ve done in the past, etc. If you think Kayley went above and beyond for Kayley, you can start there, but always consider the other logistics that may come into play. We’re not strictly bound to the prices above. You may find that we’ll go beyond a $30/$40 set in the future.

To criticize myself, I do think we’ve messed up prices before. Actually, I think the prices of Lili’s Grand Prize and her recent event set should be flipped. Most would probably agree with me on this. I don’t think we’ll ever get pricing down perfectly. The best thing we can do is offer discounts from time to time.

Remember, there is only ONE Kayley. There is only one Lili, Kris, or Naomi. Try not to compare one to the other.

Thanks for reading. Feel free to leave your comments, I’ll read them. 🙂

5 years 5 months ago

Hey TM, this is the internet, there will be always persons that complain, please don’t think we are all like this. I appreciate you efforts & perseverance to manage and organize this site – you and your team light up my life 😉 The fact that some sets are more expensive then others is a fact of life when you talk about something special & unique. (I would not dare to make a comparison with material things !!!) Btw there are enough ‘cheap ladies’ on the internet. I visit TM/MC for the fact that genuine beauty is shared and I consider myself as a small sponsor/motivator of your models who I love to see growing in their role as beautiful model, always respecting what they like and want!

5 years 5 months ago

This works if the sales numbers remain the same. And I hope that is the case because Kayley deserves to get as much as she can get. But if sales drop because of the price then she may make less money. What pays more 100 sales at $20 or 25 sales at $40? Again, I hope she gets everything she wants and more.

I personally will wait for this set. Maybe I’ll get it during a half off event or maybe I will just wait til she does this type of set more regularly for standard pricing. But I’m glad a lot of fans are getting what they want now.

5 years 5 months ago

Correct. It’s also impossible to know for sure. Too low and you leave money off the table, too high and money is also lost.

The majority just purchase and don’t comment. So while we listen to comments, we have to primarily go based on what sales say.

5 years 5 months ago

Thanks for the explanation TM. I’m glad to hear that the models have a say in the pricing. I actually think some girls should charge more for some sets. For example, Katrina’s Pleasant Peeks was just regular price but could/should have been more because she raised her game and showed more). I agree with your statement about Lili’s 2 sets. Anyway, I never feel ripped off at TM/MC. The girls are beautiful, the events are fun (but draining in more ways than one) and I think we get good value compared to some other sites I won’t name.

5 years 5 months ago

Very nice write up TM. I think prices have always been pretty fair, and yea everyone needs to remember that each model is unique – each model is going to be at a different point in their career. The fact that you guys can do these 50% off sales and events is pretty awesome, I work in this field so I know how insane the cost to maintain a website like this can be. I remember being skeptical when the first event launched but it has been a real positive and keeps improving every event.

Honestly I still think bundles could use a bit of a rework, I always wanted the option to have a delayed ability to individually purchase out of them. Sometimes I just feel like I am just wasting sets I didn’t want because I wanted a specific set out of the bundle. They are pretty uncommon though so it’s not a big deal.

5 years 5 months ago

Totally get the pricing. The photography is spot on and Kayley is such a beautiful lady. Thankful for Kayley sharing her beauty and TM for bringing her to us.

5 years 5 months ago

I have nothing against TM. I think people had my comment mixed up. I myself invest in many companies.

Why I am concerned is… all these models are beautiful and stunning. My question is what sets one model apart from the other? I value all of them the same. Why does one model charge more then the other? Petra’s set was… let’s say a lot more revealing… at half the cost. Madison’s twerking was $15. Kayleys blurred topless as $40. As an invester… this is all wrong.

I am professional photographer myself so I know how the business works. I charge my client a percentage of sales or a set rate. What I seem to not understand is why you pass the bill onto the customers? This price is inflated to the point where buyers will be discuraged and honestly speaking… most will wait until this set ends up on the Internet cause it always happens. You need to set a bracket. I tell my models what I pay and what I offer. If they do not agree to terms I tell them to move on. It’s a business not a relationship. You can find anything on the internet. TM might spend 5 figures a month but profit margins are at least double. I know that for a fact or TM wouldn’t be around.

I fully support everything you and the models have done for everyone but I’ll be honest when I say you and your models are starting to become greedy in the sense Models/TM want more and more money. Every set seems to be going up in price every day.

I am speaking my mind as a businessman and investor. I personally love these girls but it’s just not worth it to me anymore. Sorry

5 years 5 months ago

Thanks for your feedback. I’ll do my best to clear things up, as it’s obvious we have different philosophies on business. Now to answer a few of your points…
“My question is what sets one model apart from the other? I value all of them the same.” – What sets a model apart should be simple. Each and every person has specific value. A CEO is more valuable than an employee, and even in the same profession – A 5 star chef is more valuable than a 3 star chef. If a model is able to prove their worth to us and even to the customer, they have leverage.

“What I seem to not understand is why you pass the bill onto the customers? This price is inflated to the point where buyers will be discuraged” – Everybody is paying more to see more of Kayley, TM included. It took a lot to get her even to this stage. If you think we’re being greedy, then I will have to strongly disagree. If you left someone else in charge of this site there would be a high possibility that half the models wouldn’t be here anymore because of mismanagement. We’ve never had a model leave us for lack of payments.

“I tell my models what I pay and what I offer. If they do not agree to terms I tell them to move on. It’s a business not a relationship.” – Well then you’re being stubborn. A business is a relationship, it’s just different from an intimate one. It’s especially one when you work together consistently to achieve the same goals.

“I’ll be honest when I say you and your models are starting to become greedy in the sense Models/TM want more and more money. Every set seems to be going up in price every day.” – I would disagree. Event sets were more expensive, sure. But you can look through the store and find that all normal sets still cost the same amount. The sale also made things cheaper for customers. If you think our content is boring and not worth it, that’s fine. But I don’t think it’s genuine to say we’re increasing prices like we’re greedy.

5 years 5 months ago

Thanks for the explanation and good to know the models are involved with setting the pricing and boundaries. And you are right comparing the models with the business model you have setup is meaningless since they set their own rules.

5 years 5 months ago

I will add to my earlier comment. For Kayley this set Is quite a leap in the right direction in my opinion. If you are a fan and you do not buy this set then you are missing out . Yes, it is an expensive set, but Im happy to pay it to offer encouragement to go a little more daring. Everyone has been clamouring for Kayley to show more and in this set she does. If it costs more to do it then that’s just plain good business sense on her part. Brains as well as beauty! Pretty good combination.

5 years 5 months ago

For me it is very simple,knowing what I know about the set and video would I still buy it? The answer is yes,it’s a lot of money but I want Kayley to continue modeling and watch her progress. If she’s still a little uncomfortable about baring her breasts that sheer bra she wore is a good step in the right direction. There’s nothing hotter than .when Katrina wears something sheer. I would rather see a 6-7 minute video of Kayley wearing something sheer than a 10 minute video where she wears some clothes for 5 minutes,takes the top off but then spends the next 5 minutes doing handbra. There is nothing more ridiculous than handbra,irritating as well

5 years 5 months ago

Kayley… finally got links… you are the best… please keep sharing on… topless and g-string next time?… that would be epic 🙂

5 years 5 months ago

TM, thx for the lengthy explanation. Yet another reason why some of us aren’t just fans of the models, but also huge fans of the site. I think it’s important for all buyers to realize that our pocketbooks are the biggest influencer we have as far as future sets and the prices thereof. I think the msg was sent that certain models are worth more than others. That is something I disagree with, personal preference notwithstanding. All the beautiful models here deserve our support. Will anyone really be surprised when a bolder Kayley set comes out and it costs $75? Again, thx for an amazing event, TM. I’ve never bought so many sets in just a few days. Just ordered a bunch more sets this morning.

5 years 5 months ago

Oh definitely thank you Kayley! and thank you TM as well off course.

From the “don’t skip ahead message” all the way until the blurry fade out the video is so very wonderful!
Kayley really goes above and beyond here, I’m loving every bit of it!
A fitting end to an incredible event, I really enjoyed it so very much and by that I mean the video as well as the event .

Steve B
5 years 5 months ago

I just got back from vacation to find this gem! Order is in – waiting for links! Thank you TM for a fantastic explanation of pricing. She deserves more for going, what is possibly beyond her comfort zone, to please her fans. And a big thank you to Kayley for being the best in the business – keep smiling!

5 years 5 months ago

Just need Sunshine/Princess and life is complete. Whatever happened to her?!

A Cutie Fan
5 years 5 months ago

She must have moved on. She would have been big on this site if she came over. She had something about her that stood out.

5 years 5 months ago

If Kayley was to wear white stockings and high heels in at least one of her sets. It would be an instant buy for many followers.

4 years 9 months ago

If you don’t normally watch vids from start to finish, heed the advice given before this vid! This vid is a buildup of sensuality. If you skip through, it will be at your own peril.

Right off the bat, Kayley has an unfair advantage, or rather two. She reminds me of someone I fawned over and had the same innocent, sweet, cute demeanor and then one day during summer she had a t-shirt on and I realized … YOWSAS!
I love the setting. Dark walls that match her lingerie that show off all her assets beautifully, yet there is a lot of natural light with the huge window and white curtain. Kayley has this subtle smile she gives throughout. Great eye contact, beautiful face, amazing body. First vid I got of Kayley’s. Definitely will not be my last! Love she was barefoot in this even though we only get glimpses of her feet. I would kill for some proper feet focused vids of all the models.

I was worried about the 6 min running time and thought, is that enough time? I don’t think infinite time is enough time for Kayley, but at the 5 min mark, enough anticipation was built up.

(I hate to keep saying it, an amazing vid, then the dreaded VISIBLE watermark comes in at the end and all over the model!! FFS, embed the watermarks!! They’ll still be in the vids, but aren’t visible are would be a better way to catch the idiots who decide to share.)

Kayley is amazing if you’ve never seen her. Get this vid. My next 5 vids may all be just Kayley! The only thing stopping me is I hate visible watermarks.

Thank You, Kayley!! ❤️❤️❤️

4 years 9 months ago

The problem with invisible watermarks is the thief will think there is nothing wrong the video and share it anyway. An invisible watermark allows us to ban the user, but a visible watermark deters them from even thinking about sharing + allows us to ban.

4 years 8 months ago

Loved every minute of this wonderful video