Kayley & Alissa – Reunited


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Amount of photos in album: 131 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 3840×2160
Length: 8:41
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

11 days 2 hours ago

Thank you everyone for being with us and supporting the models for the event. Making sets like this happen is very difficult, but always worth it. It’s past new year already, so a little late for celebrations, but we are hoping for amazing things to come… 🙂

If you have an order pending, I see them all. Even the ones from days ago. They will all get resolved. Really sorry about this.

10 days 17 hours ago

Thanks for throwing the Best Event Ever. Thanks to the Marvel Admin(s), Photographers, and Most of All: The Gorgeous Models.

Now: If this set doesn’t Scream that we Must have a KayLissa dedicated website, I don’t know What Does? Think about it:

Friday is Heidy Day
Sunday is Leidy Day
Monday is Alissa Day
Tuesday is KayLissa Day (Two for Tuesday)
Wednesday (the Hump Day) is Kayley Day.
And of course we have our MarvelStars, too.

What can be Better?

I know, I know: Alissa learning to relax a little more from Kayley, start playing a little (more) with her panties and eventually dropping them. Just remember how long it took for each of them to drop their tops and for Kayley to finally drop her bottom? Yes, we need more sheer panties on both during each shoot as Kayley has done in the past (before they drop them), but…. Hey: they are both on the path to righteousness (right path)….

4 days 16 hours ago

Imagine if we one day get to see lesbian interaction with toys!

11 days 2 hours ago


10 days 23 hours ago



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