Amount of photos in album: 127 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 8:55
Video Thumbnails:
Amount of photos in album: 127 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 8:55
Video Thumbnails:
Got something to discuss?
Calm down.
Either you are an imposter or a new staff. Cuz “Calm down” is not part of TM dictionary. What TM is doing is the opposite 😉
Haven’t bought yet but there’s something about these girls in regular clothes that’s so hot. Not enough girls starting in tight jeans or spandex also if you’ve been pushing for girls to go to the next level now would be a good time to support Petra so other models have some motivation to follow suit $$$$$$
Yes, I read in comments, that some of you prefer starting in regular clothes, so I am trying, if its possible, do this.
Wow!! Amazing. This is the type of sets I hope to see from the models.
Screw the handbras and tapes and sloppy fingers and whatever you come up with to cover the naughty parts (for no reason)
The Person who came with the clothing idea you f***ing nailed it, even the underwear too perfection. She even looks hotter in her regular clothes. If you guys look closely and a little zoom in the pictures you can tell that Petra is enjoying her photoshoot 😉 . I am not sure is the outdoor photoshoot or the fully nude made her that excited maybe both. Only the photographer can confirm that. Photographer, another excellent photoshoot. The zooms in the video are breathtaking. Thanks. More More, please.
Well, I didn’t seen her regular works actually. This was my first shoting with her, even if I know her personaly years. But if I can tell, I belive, that she really like to show off. 🙂
Hey sir with an extremely lucky job ! Any chance of ever seeing Mia doing a performance like this..? Or any good “revealing” possible updates from her in the future? Love your work !
I see she’s still shy… lol
You are probably too much looking on porn;-)
Just being sarcastic. 😉
Certainly, “shy” is not the first word that comes to my mind anymore. Great set.
Oh how I wish Cutie would follow her lead:)
My thoughts exactly 😉
I would straight die.
OH MY! Petra sure has upped her game,yes sir. I really love her exotic looks and amazing body. Great job TM and a big thumbs up to the photographer for staying calm and getting good pics because my hands would of been shaking so bad all the pics would of been blurry. Lastly, Petra you are gorgeous,thanks for the great set.
You know, 15 years of practice and meditation. 😉
LOL yeah I’m sure. 😆
hey 🙂 You, know, that I can’t write, that I shoted her with my mouth open and I was drooling all the time 😉 😀
Ohh, okay that seems more honest.
For a second, my mind went to the wrong place there while reading this. 😆
wow, this looks like a pretty epic Petra set and it’s not even the summer event! Very nice looking photography and setting based on the previews. I may have to look into getting this one…purely for research purposes only of course 😎 😆 I think if Lili did this level of set my head would explode, but I would call it a net positive gain.
not only your head would explode but something else too :)) =D
yes I would only need other parts to continue working of course 😀
Despite Naomi’s best effort Petra is absolutely steeling the show at tm this summer and that’s saying a lot the sets at tm and mc have been unreal lately! I don’t remember a time when I’ve had to buy so many sets keep up the great work!!
Naomi and now Petra – finally something GREAT about 2020!
Cutie next? Never mind, she ain’t ready – PLEASE prove me wrong!
Can’t wait to see the girl/girl action kicked up a notch.
Simply put, one of my all-time favorite purchases on TM. Petra is so gorgeous and just her movements turn me on, but then the clothes come off with nothing held back. Don’t know which one of us enjoyed it more!
I’m sure these virgins have spent more than me, maybe not, but NO, I disagree entirely with the clothed option. same dudes who like feet and weird shit want that. keep petra on the way she is going. we want her. sure she can get started clothed. but no thank you. keep her going more wild. more explicit. photographer, good job, get her to play with herself more and spread that delicious pussy. fuck tease. if you want that go waste your time with lili. sincerely yours, a kind sir who wants to see these girls cum and not just waste their time teasing. petra is so ready for it. stop asking for dumb shit
You misread them. They mean instead of wearing lingerie at the beginning, the girls wear normal clothes and then strip out of that. I can see why people like when girls remove normal clothes, since that’s more real. Nobody in real life is walking around outside in lingerie.
yea TM, what the fuck. Why did you put extreme tease on your logo? This is supposed to be a hardcore porn site. Where are the midgets and donkeys!? /s
LOL. Andrew, did you buy the set?
Andrew is currently devoted to Lili. 😉
I haven’t gotten it yet, but I will soon…even despite no donkey xD
We missed a golden opportunity. Shameful on our part.
Calm down man, read the comments carefully before commenting. The comment section was nice and fun why ruining with your bad vibes!!. Correct me if I was wrong, I know that virgins wants to watch girls nude not the opposite lool. 😀
This set is AMAZING!!! Definitely her best by a mile – keep these awesome sets coming, TM!
I love her ❤❤❤❤
lovely video with a tease of fingerplay a hint of things to come perhaps- she looks and feels ready to take it to new levels for me, as and when she feels comfortable of course. without wishing to come across as vulgar and having bought the secret video as well she looks like a woman that wants to experience, shall we say, different things…..along with katrin, hands down the best looking two models across the sites i’d probably give up a vital organ to see katrin do this type of filming but well done to all involved in developing Petra from humble glamour beginings to this quality erotica, thank you
I am eagerly waiting for patra new video.I hope it will come very soon..
My wallet is pooping out for petra…Please do something
well I’m nearly 2 months late, but I did buy this set 😉
We are happy. Petra is happy. 🙂
I had to get her newest set as well, guess we all have to make sacrifices 😛
Question TM – If you guys are doing a new email system, is it better to just wait on doing tributes? I want more Lili teasers 😉 but might be tough if we can’t receive emails back for awhile.
We send through Marvelcharm since their e-mail system still works. You don’t need to wait if you don’t want.
Ok cool. I wondered if that would work, good to know. Thanks.
@andrew welcome to the Petra club. i hope you will enjoy the ride. So did u add Petra do the favorite list or still too soon to decide!!??
It depends if TM makes me put on my tin foil hat again or not 😉
Lili has been and always will be my #1 priority, but Petra is a sexy girl to be sure, I’ll see how it goes. Honestly, it was multi-model bundles that put me off buying anything non-Lili for such a long time. Not having an option to purchase Lili separately had always kinda turned me off wanting to check out other models…but maybe TM is “So Close” to reconsidering this idea 😆
sorry TM, bad jokes in my first reply, I can’t help it 😛 I do think 2020 has had some of the best updates we’ve seen. I should probably just try and not be stubborn. @MHS if you see this – do you have any favorite sets of Petra? I know it might be hard to beat newest releases but just curious if you had other recommendations.
That a very difficult task to do I will try my best. Honestly speaking Petra did an excellent job in each set she had been released. Every time she released a set she made me forget about the older ones. That’s how good she is. Lili and Petra are OMG. You can bring all the girls in the world I will always choose these TWO. Both are my #1 models. I do wish if TM will do a Duo set with these two nothing sexual similar to the one Lili made with Melissa, Maddison, and Luna. Anyway here is my list: ( of course I did not add the new one as the preview said it all 🙂 )
Hot Pink
Oil & Shower
Mesh Peek #2
Pink Mesh
Touchy Moans
Extreme… ( this set part of her newer sets but a teased one but the way how Petra stretched her legs and zoom in parts man oh man)
@andrew question I know everybody has a type and I believe you have supported Lili from Day one in TM. In all these years neither of these girls caught your eyes? I bit curious about what kind of girls do you like and if that’s okay with you and TM to name some and website they’re on 🙂 .
TM, is it possible to add an automatic notification button above the website, so every time a new comment has been approved it shows?
I just made it so that you can check the box above the post comment button which will notify you of new replies. It should work.
Cool Thanks 🙂
Thanks MHS, nice list you put together for me, I appreciate it. The only ones I am surprised you did not include are ‘Wet Sequel’ (as you were quite animated in the comments about it) and of course ‘Unleased Sequel’ 😉 but I know it’s very hard to make these lists.
(I get emotional just writing this) So here is my story with Lili… I discovered her many years ago… long before this website existed (at a time in my life when I needed her the most). I’m not much older than she is, so I feel like I’ve grown up with her always being there. I’ve watched her turn from a beautiful girl into the amazing woman she is today. These days…well…I know more than I should about her, but legitimately all I want for her is to be taken care of, be happy, and have her privacy. The best way I can do that is to keep supporting her through TM for as long as I can. She has a special place in my heart. (I really hope TM understands this is why I get upset -and make stupid jokes- when I find out things I don’t know going on or why I beg for years about archived sets) ***-tax has nothing on me 🙂
When Lili started at TM I never knew what to expect. The early days were a VERY exciting time. I mean Lili just wearing a thong was a big deal 😆 It’s probably why I never griped about her progression – Where she is now is more than I ever thought I’d get. So I guess the girls that are the most tease just BECAME my type because of Lili. This is why I like Alissa and Rikki at Marvel Charm, they produce a comparable amount of frustration out of their fans 🙂 I also like really long dark brown eyes / dark hair as well so there we have Petra.
I can’t make promises that I’ll keep up with Petra, but I might try. Lili is just on another level over everyone else…and of course now I have Lili tributes to worry about lol. oh btw thank you TM for adding the notifications on posts that is a HUGE quality of life feature.
My bad I thought I added the Wet Sequel set, I was occupied with the view 🙂 . I think I might understand what you are going through with Lili. I even know her before TM. The day I found out that she’s continuing her modeling career was one of the best days. To be honest, when I first visited TM, I felt a bit fishy, and TM I am sorry what I am going to say next. I was disappointed that my favorite Model joined an unknown website and even the design of the website was not giving a good vibe. I said to myself max a year and the website will shutdown. I did judge the website too early and very happy I was wrong. I do not think Lili and even other models will find a better website than this. TM staff did an excellent job making one a hell of a website. This not just an ordinary model site. TM build a home for the models to become one big family. Even with my doubts, I am glad I support the website from day one.
yea I wasn’t experienced with a website like this one at the time…but when I saw a TM “Coming Soon” picture with Lili in her ‘Sheer Lace’ maid outfit… well for some reason I instantly had no worries at all 😆 😆
We didn’t even advertise the website. Somebody from a message board found it.
We also didn’t really know what we were doing back then. 😆
lol and it’s probably the same message board I found it on 😆 well you guys clearly figured out how to make it work. Having Lili to champion the site didn’t hurt either 😛
Don’t tell me that the name of the website begins with kitty 😀 😀
haha, nope not kitty. It started with ‘An’. It still exists but I stopped going there a long long time ago.
unrelated – @TM I just gotta say you are the hardest place I’ve ever tried to throw money at in my whole life 😆
I don’t know if that’s a compliment. 😛
And yeah that’s the same place we saw the post.
haha well you didn’t reply to my last email. So many Lili archives I can’t get my little hands on 😛
I am glad I am not the only crazy one here ><
nevermind you just did, but it’s still true 😀 sorry I just get a little excited when its close to new Lili
NEW LILI !!!?????
I just mean her normal schedueled update should hopefully be soon 😛
Emoji Testing trying what works
:laughing: :sweat_smile: :blush: :heart_eyes: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Good try.
you know TM no need to be rude about it 😆 😆 😆 😆 😛
joke a side, any link or shortcuts for emojys that will be very helpful. I really have trouble making it work 🙂
It all depends on the plugins TM wants to use. They have the ability to have as many or as few emojis as they want. By default the options are pretty limited though 😎
o_O =^-^= ^^’
:bear: – ok I want to play to.
TM I made you a gravatar and sent it to you already. 😆
I just made one. 🙂
lol very fancy TM, lookin’ good.
I am sorry to Petra for hijacking her Naked Outdoors page 😉 but on the plus side I discovered a new face that works
Andrew this will be our special board 🙂 . I am afraid after today TM will disable the comment section 😆
Regarding your below comment, you can always share 😛 . Just Write this ( mumbo jumbo, mumbo jumbo,mumbo jumbo), TM cannot see or read the messages. The worse case scenario TM will just block you from making any future purchases. Trust me you have nothing to lose 😆
Well I think having a general discussion or one general page of discussion for each model would be great, but I’m not sure TM want to have that headache right now with manual comment approval 😆
I love tributes but I also hate them 😀 I don’t like people knowing about sets that I don’t 😆 but I guess it works both ways. Like TM said – in the end we’ll all eventually get the full sets. I do like the random aspect of it and trying to put the puzzle pieces together. It all benefits Lili so I guess I can live with it. I thought it was only fair to tell you that I got a post-hiatus tribute since we’ve all been in dark about them for so long 🙂
@MHS – I can assure you though that ‘new’ Lili sets do exist, they actually are not a myth like i once thought 😆 One day we’ll see them.
@TM – I always wonder why you don’t create a ‘Gravatar’ like MHS and I have? You should have a nice TM graphic or something instead of white face / gray background man. They are very easy to set up and you’d look more official 🙂
Andrew, I hope your notification is on, and if not, TM can you please give a heads up to Andrew please highly appreciated. Andrew, I always respect your comments, and you and other few people that enjoy talking too. My comment was not meant for you and Max but you know who. I selected all because I tried to void to make drama I think I might make things worse and I do apologize for that. I do hope I did not offend you in any way 🙂 The other reason I select all, go to the previous Lili sets, even though there is a high number of comments the same people commenting. Personally, I want more Lili fans to comment and I don’t want to scare them off :).
“I also appreciate that TM is willing to experiment and try new things out” Sadly they took the Darkside path. I am glad that fans have spoken up and I was not the only one 🙂 .
Back to Lili. I am very happy to see Lili is happy with the tributes. I feel sad that I can not tribute as much, as I do support a lot of models it might be a little difficult for me to make tributes. Sometimes I do hope that the tribute new rule was applied during Lili’s birthday than during the event, as I might get 5 pics then 1 as long Lili is happy I am happy 🙂 . Andrew I do wish TM get what I am saying after last night nightmare, maybe a little gift never hurts 😆 😆 😉
Hey MHS. I didn’t get any notifications but It’s okay I don’t think TM is worried about me not finding things anymore 😆 😆
I consider you a friend on here, so I did of course not take any offense 🙂 Just trying to make my point come across clearly… although Dennis was the one who got all the upvotes so maybe I should not have worried about that either lol. I’m afraid my Mia + photographer post came off equally as well, but hey that’s what I get for venturing outside the Lili realm hahaha. Hopefully some people saw where I was coming from.
I’m glad the latest Lili update turned into more discussion this time even if it was just the main 3-4 people that always comment. I’m with you about the tribute rules, I did the same exact same thing – I would’ve also had 5 instead of 1 😉 but it was for her birthday, I would’ve done the same for nothing in return. lol and It’s easy for me to do more Lili tributes, I basically only purchase for her. You do what you gotta do – you make many more models happy anyway.
“I consider you a friend on here” Same 🙂
“You do what you gotta do – you make many more models happy anyway.” Yeah, but when I see everybody talks about tributes especially during the event, seeing how the tributes made TM and models happy, felt a bit left out, and plus those I see them in every post and they even tributes made feel that I lost what made me special. Sorry for being negative in the past couple of days. Difficult times at work especially during the pandemic. I need more Petra soon to lift my spirit up.
Anyway, Andrew what do you do in your free time other than having Sexual Fantasies on Lili. Do you play video games, watch sports?
yea I used to be a big gamer actually, competitive FPS player in my younger days. Now it’s mostly for fun. The only sport I watch is pro football (sorry I am dirty american) I used to play a lot of soccer so I like when the world cup comes around. Now I mostly work and try not to get covid because my president is a lunatic 😆 Other than that I try and stay in shape. I am not a super social go to parties kinda person. Also bugging TM about Lili archives has become my new favorite game. 😉
How about you? I see you wanted Petra in a football theme so I can guess what you are into. Is that what your gravatar is? sorry I don’t recognize if that’s a team logo.
Sadly with Covid, going out with friends has been reduced a lot and all the road trips have been canceled. Other than that I love playing videos, especially on my ps4 🙂 . Of course, watching football, and the Pic on my avatar is Real Madrid. Do you play games on pc or console? if console which one do you have?
Before TM and before and during the first stages of Lili who was your favorite site and model? For me famegirls (Ella, Virginia, Sandra, Foxy and Audrey). Those were amazing models. Not sure what happened to them but after they retire the site went to hell.
TM do you know about this site?
I liked FG. Ella was the best.
OMG YES!!!, she definitely was. She will be even more amazing if she was part of your website. Sad she was not during your time. Do you know what happened to her? any chance to bring her back even for a couple of sets !!!? if she decided to come back, she will differently going to compete with Lili and Petra in my number 1 spot 🙂 . I do have all her sets 🙂 and I still visit her sets from time to time. 🙂
forgot to ask – MHS what are your favorite games to play on ps4?
Yes, not going on trips has been very frustrating, this year I planned a trip with a friend to Japan but that will obviously have to wait a while. It saved me money so Lili will probably benefit the most by that lost trip in the end 😆 she’ll be happy at least. I was always a PC gamer because of FPS games, but I do play on ps4 as well 🙂 I am embarrassed I didn’t recognize Real Madrid’s logo, it’s a pretty popular team! I guess it shows how much Americans know soccer(football).
Before TM and Lili my favorite girls were in my high school 😆 and my favorite site was nothing 🙂 I do of course know of FG’s and Sandra and Ella, I thought they were both cute. No other model grabbed my attention as much as Lili though, not even close really. I don’t want to go into the early days of Lili… but I found NS always had a keen ability to find great new talented girls, I think it was a shame Bambi(Belle) or Princess/Sunshine didn’t decide to continue, but priorities in life tend to change as we grow up.
Hey, I used to enjoy a good match of de_dust2 in counter-strike. 😉
I unfortunately do not have the time these days, but really only play now to reduce the stress of running this business.
I would crush you. (this is what I would say if I was still in school)
lol nice 😀 I think CS:GO is probably still the best FPS game out today, I’ve been disappointed in recent years by any lack of competition in that genre. I played some CS1.6 back in the day, but my main FPS that I played competitively was a game called Medal of Honor, and then I moved on the original Call of Duty. I definitely had better reaction time back then!
I knew there was a gamer working at TM, I saw you guys post the Konami code in a model’s comments once 😉
Yes, usually if you know the IT side you usually know a bit about games. But almost everyone here is very artistic, knows a thing about sculpting or movies, even some of the models play games. We were thinking of getting some cosplay material for girls to model in. Kayley in a Tifa outfit, for example.
Never played Medal of Honor, but we did enjoy Call of Duty 2 and 4. Those were simpler times. 🙂
“my favorite girls were in my high school” 😆 True story 😉
I did enjoy playing counter-strike back then. Those were the simple old days. FPS game I Currently play right now is the call of duty: modern warfare. This the best call of duty game in years. MY Favorite games this will be a long list;
Last of us 1 & 2
God of war
Ghost of Tsushima
inFamous: Second Son
Ratchet and Clank
Horizon Zero Dawn
Grand theft Auto
Kingdom hearts
Final Fantasy
Tomb Raider
Assassin Creed
Also, I was able to preorder the PS5 and the Xbox series X. I hope November will be a nice month for me and plus also Petra’s birthday Month :). I have a nice surprise for her 🙂 . Not sure if TM will accept this or not I would like to add you to my ps4 friend list but I did not want to share my user here.
TM “only play now to reduce the stress of running this business” I do apologize if I am one of the reasons.
TM, “were thinking of getting some cosplay material for girls to model in. Kayley in a Tifa outfit, for example.” Yes, I loved to see more cosplay not only in video games but in movies too Batgirl and Harley Quinn, and so on.
TM, I am just curious regarding the video that I send for Lili for her Birthday. did she say anything about that it, did she like it?
If you saw her thank you video, then you know the answer about Lili. She could not make personalized videos for every person, but yes she enjoyed it.
Great list MHS, I figured FIFA would be on there. I also play GTA! It’s been one of my favorite series for a long long time. As a PC FPS player I never could bring myself to enjoy most FPS games on consoles 😆 I can’t stand aim assist, there’s no substitution for the precision mouse and keyboard gives you. I did play Destiny a lot on console back when it came out. I also love the Borderlands franchise as well. Yea maybe TM can be our intermediary for our psn’s sometime if they don’t mind.
@TM the original team that developed Call of Duty actually made Medal of Honor, It was somewhat it’s direct predecessor. I really miss that game, I never thought CoD would explode so much in popularity the way it has, but yes simpler times then 🙂
The cosplay idea is cool, I was never that into superhero stuff, but some gaming stuff would be nice to see. If the outfits are sexy I am all for it 😆
@MHS – that’s cool you made a birthday video for Lili, I wish I would’ve thought of that. I’ve always just wanted to just say Hi, and tell her that she has meant a lot to me over the years. I don’t want to be a bother, I just hope she knows 🙂
“that’s cool you made a birthday video for Lili, I wish I would’ve thought of that. I’ve always just wanted to just say Hi, and tell her that she has meant a lot to me over the years. I don’t want to be a bother, I just hope she knows ” You either you misunderstood me or I am. I was not in the video. No way I can do that I am a bit shy 😆 .
“Yea maybe TM can be our intermediary for our psn’s sometime if they don’t mind.” I am going to send you an email with my user to send it to you if do not mind. FYI very important, if you got it, the number is not my birth date 😆 I am not that old 😆 😆
Sorry, my bad Correction I am going to send TM an email with my user to send it to you if they do not mind 🙂
Oh ok, yea I think I just misunderstood, For some reason I thought if you sent her something it was you saying ‘Hi; I don’t know why I went right to that conclusion 😆 That is nice you did something extra besides just the tribute though. Last night I even asked TM if Lili did personalized responses and I just didn’t get one 😛 I am so glad TM put up with me and my silly questions, they are the best.
Sure if I get your psn from TM I’ll add you. My name will start with a ‘b’.
Done 🙂 and TM if your interested you can add me, more friends the merrier 🙂 . Do not worry I never mix my private adult life with video games. 🙂
Cool, I sent you a friend request just a little bit ago. Thanks for passing it along to me TM.
Friend request accepted 🙂
TM is it possible to remove the negative vote as someone is abusing it in the Mia & Daniela set. Thanks
Yes, I’ve fixed it.
Nice I can now forever be the most downvoted comment in the history of the site 😀 I think it’s honestly pretty funny how butt-hurt people got by us not liking dudes in our models videos 😆
TM you always manage to somehow leave me on a cliffhanger in our conversations 😆 Well I hope new Lili sets are soon. Tributes are great and all but full sets are even better 🙂
Also we can’t be stuck on 99 comments, I had to push it over the edge 😉
You know I have to keep things secret…
I still say that session is new 😛 but yea…you certainly keep me on my toes, that’s for sure 😉
I like bowling, don’t you TM? 🙂
I hope you guys don’t mind I use this as my new gravatar, thought it could be a fun easter egg 😉
I’m so confused.
My gravatar – the blue and yellow pins. It’s from a tribute video preview you sent me 😆 If you are confused, everyone else will be, so that works. Just something silly I made last night.
Its a subliminal reminder, just like my old gravatar 😉 😛
I don’t think it worked, TM.
Emoji Testing
:open_mouth: :flushed: :expressionless: :grimacing:
etra! ☕ ☃ ⏰ ⏳ ☎ ☺ ♕ ⚽ ✈ sorry TM I hope you don’t mind that I test some emojis here
some may not all work
oops the P didn’t show up 😆 thanks TM, Just having a bit of fun learning the limitations. this is my last one 🙂
☀ TM I think i liked it better when hardly anyone knew about tributes 🙂 I hope you at least read my last email / tribute. ♋ I understand you may be a bit more busy than usual though so it’s fine. ☕ ♣ ♻ ⚓
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ TM this is a detailed graphic representation of what I’ve looked like for the past week. 🙂 Could you share any updates with me? I am having a hard time right now.
Be on the lookout in a few hours for the first part of your reward. 🙂
oh! Well that is quite a good update thank you! ♌ ♌ ♌ 😉
TM you are really making me earn these rewards aren’t you? 😆 It’s okay, it makes sense with what I asked for…
I’m very much hoping for the best with them at this point. It’s just been a difficult month of waiting for me. 🙂
thanks TM, I was not expecting those rewards. I was even planning to ask about this session soon. 🙂 but If you can answer, was there an issue with the session I asked about initially if you remember? It was asked about back in June for my theme.
Well, maybe another time I can look into those again. Anyway, thanks I enjoyed these and I am looking forward to my part 2 now 🙂
Didn’t find anything from that session, but we can look again elsewhere.
Thank you. 🙂
Well just a heads up, It probably won’t be the last time I ask about them 😆 but that’s cool, I hope you can locate them, there should be at least a few other sets in that. It’s a really nice early session.
Well I hope the e-mail outage can get sorted soon, those issues can be a real pain. I wanted to add on to my tributes, but maybe it’s better I wait til after the next Lili update. 🙂 It was nice to get a few new things to tide me over today. Thanks TM.
TM, Please check my recent tribute note. I’ve never left a long order note on there before so let me know if you got it all 🙂
TM I am sad 🙁
I should probably be more descriptive. It’s just that in early June I was getting more updates from you. I’m just sad I can’t e-mail I guess :/ Lots of things I would rather not put here.
I’ll stop spamming this comment section, and if there is an easier way to contact you let me know. Some other people here don’t seem to have much trouble reaching you it seems. I’ll try and be more patient. Anyways, thanks for the set.
oh.. well it was pointed out to me that MC still has working email…it shows how much I purchase from there. 😛 sorry TM I think i just need to take a cold shower 😆
yes, you can still e-mail through MC.
TM could you please confirm that you’ve received the part 2 of my tributes on the 3rd? I’m just afraid something got lost after the recent email issues since I haven’t heard back from you yet. Thanks. btw I loved the newest Lili set 🙂
Yes, sorry about that. Soon…
Cool, no worries. I wanted to make sure it was all good w/ you first… Did you know I can be a little bit of a horny Lili boy sometimes? 😀 😆 Thanks for updating me.
WOW TM!!! When did you increase the number of sets that can be added to the cart?!!!! I was planning to do it in different lvls but I had to try it out lol. good work!!. Can you possibly add dark mode too 🙂
“Contact us if you need assistance on missing orders, issues, etc.” Why yes TM, I am actually in dire need of some Lili assistance now that you mention it…
TM since I have no use for the coupon, maybe you could just make the rewards I’ve been waiting patiently for extra sexy? 😉 A little extra 5 or 10 seconds never hurt anyone, right? 😛 Anyway, I hope you had a good break and maybe were able to get a laugh from my lvl 10 unlock comment. I found that it’s a tough crowd to please around here… 😆
Alright TM, let me try and say this another way. It is now getting to be VERY important that you update me on the status of my tributes.
I didn’t forget you.
Thanks TM, I appreciate your quick response. Please read my new email though, I have a duplicate.
TM are you recieving my orders? I am just a little worried. Please respond here or email me, I need to know what’s going on.
TM, I was talking to Andrew recently and he told me he would love seeing Lili and Alex Arabella together in a DUO set.
Please make his dreams come true.
A perfect gift for Andrew 🙂
MHS i hate you so much. 😆
Please don’t listen him TM he’s trolling me lol.
Me trolling noo I only want what is best for you. You said it in your own words”I prefer Alex over Lili but I am afraid to hurt Lili’s and TM’s feelings”
Andrew confess, that you’re obsessed with Alex. 🙂
TM will understand. Lili is the past and Alex is your new future 😉
Enjoy her Andrew don’t be afraid 🙂 She’s waiting for you 😉
TM can I request MHS be banned from commenting for a year…or is that something you need me to tribute for? 😆 😆
He’s convincing me that you have a crush on Alex.
I’m sure Alex is a very nice girl TM, but I assure you I DO NOT have a crush on her. 😆
All I want is my Lili tribute rewards, but everyone here is just bullying me. 🙁 🙁