Naomi – Frisky




Amount of photos in album: 191 pictures
Resolution: 3744×5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:12
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

9 months 26 days ago

Can I just set up an autobuy when Naomi drops?

9 months 26 days ago

Yes Naomi, I do love your body!

9 months 25 days ago

Just look at the preview.

I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again. All the other girls should watch Naomi. You don’t get any just standing around with a forced smile or swaying from one foot to the other in lieu of a ‘dance’. Naomi really puts an effort in to put on a performance both in terms of animation and her wonderful use of facial expressions. Whereas some performers often have that look of “is the recording nearly over?”, Naomi radiates the sense that she is genuinely enjoying herself and that is what keeps me coming back for more.

Naomi. Take a bow.

9 months 25 days ago

Everything you said is why I love her. A true talent.

9 months 25 days ago

I think that’s why I’m such a big fan of hers. I know there’s an element of ‘performance’ in all of these, but hers are just so fun and energetic that it really feels natural. I forget which set it is where she’s jumping around on the bed naked, but you feel like she’d be doing the same even if there wasn’t a camera there. I love her.

9 months 25 days ago

Another good example is 01:59 into ‘Slingshot’ where Naomi is attempting (unsuccessfully) to keep herself inside said costume. When she pops out again, there is that moment of resignation where she realises the fight is lost which manifests itself with a wonderful grin and playful frustration, the real Naomi showing through.

9 months 24 days ago

She can do sultry really well too, I love the set where she’s in the black bikini. She doesn’t smile nearly as much but she looks really intense, beckoning to the viewer and just generally smouldering. It’s a completely different type of ‘performance’ but she does it really well.

Lonesome George
9 months 25 days ago

What a star, I wish more models were like Naomi. Beautiful and playful, sexy and hot, and absolutely not shy (too many of the newer models are just lingerie / handbra models). Naomi is permanently on my instant buy list.


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