MF Discussion

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2 years 8 months ago

Hi everyone. This will be a long post, but please read.

MarvelFans is a project I have contemplated for a long time. Since we’re known as a website for professional studio work, multiple challenges came to mind when considering to build the platform. However, it was one final event that has happened recently that finally made us pull the trigger.

Over the years, we have faced many challenges in the modeling industry. The obvious one most of you will think of is the presence of “Fans” sites. These are essentially platforms for creators and models to branch out and create their own pages to earn income. This has destroyed many studios. However, many times it is the result of models not being paid well by studios, and going off to create their own creator page to earn income. We have not had these issues at Marvel websites for the most part, mainly because we pay our models and photographers more than any others in our niche market. However, even though we do our best to give our models quality work and pay, some want a more intimate experience with fans. Let’s be honest with ourselves, all models have heard about sites like OnlyFans and others, it has come to a point where these websites are a part of culture now. Simply put, it cannot be ignored.

That leads to our position. You might think: Why would we start a similar project, or even try to create your own version of these websites? The answer to this is simple: Many of our models want it. However, because of the lack of security at other sites, the stigma of some of the content of other creators, the lack of any of ability to be “found”, or simply because of contract reasons; there was no solution given to them. Thinking from the models perspective, this is very understandable. Why try to build a “fans” site separate from TM and MC, when most of your audience came from us (or even farther back for some)? Putting two and two together, it only makes sense to integrate a fan platform into our family of websites, solving almost all of the problems they have.

In addition (and circling back to my previous point of what finally made us pull the trigger), there is simply too much conflict in many areas of the world. The war in Ukraine was the final straw. If our models get displaced or have to leave home because of a senseless conflict, what will they do if we can’t get a professional photographer to them? Outside of conflict, what if they go on vacation for a month? Or are too busy with school to get a proper shooting in? Maybe they have a child? They will have no way to earn income, and for me, this is unacceptable. If I am not doing everything in my power to create an environment where the models can earn income, then I have failed at this business.

Now that I have given a few reasons for launching MarvelFans, let me be clear as to what is NOT happening.

We are not changing anything about how TM and MC shoot models. Everything here will remain the same. We will still shoot models just as often, and we will still update our websites just as often. I know many have this thought in the back of their minds, so we want to make this as clear as we can. Our models are also NOT going to be putting out content on MF that is hardcore. Our goal is to support models as much as we can, but even we have boundaries.

To focus more on the website, the following models/creators will be on the website at launch:
Kayley, Alissa, Petra, Charlotta, Phoebe, Sabinka, Daniela, Sheila, Simona, Anita (photographer), J (photographer), Hanna & Co.

Models who are pending to be on MarvelFans:
Lili, Madison, Rebecca, Alice, Bety, Anisa, Leidy + Daniela

More will come over time, so if you don’t see the model you want yet, please be patient.
The website will have many of the features you want to see in a platform like this. Private messaging, tips, ask models for certain requests or fetishes you have., etc. Any money you spend on MF goes straight to the model. Our cut is only for upkeep.

Some final questions I will try to answer that some may have…
Q: This is expensive, I do not have the money for this. Sounds like greed to me!
A: Any expansion effort will make things a little more expensive. And many of our fans voluntarily want to support the models further. Our models at MF can charge whatever they want. They also have the option to make subscriptions to their page free. But we will do our best to make sure they are not charging an arm and a leg for their page.

Q: Where are the six updates per week you promised? You should have done this instead.
A: This is something for us to work on. Not everyone is an editor here or has time to make this a consistent schedule. However, if you want to be a part-time editor for us, let us know and we will give you plenty of work to do. Yes, seriously.

Q: Is MarvelFans an open platform for creators? Can anybody join and earn?
A: No. MarvelFans is for our current models only. We do not allow anybody else to become a creator or upload on the platform.

Q: Can my favourite model from *insert site here* join?
A: We are open to accepting models who are popular in our niche or have been a popular NN model for many years. Many of you know what this list consists of, I do not need to mention specific names. We will welcome them with open arms.

Q: What is the payment process like?
A: You will create an account on MF. After that, there will be a Wallet page which will show your points. 1 point = 1 USD. You will be able to get more points by going to your wallet page and adding funds. You’ll be redirected to a purchase page on TM (similar to how Heidy’s website works), and you’ll be able to purchase points there. Once we verify your payment, we manually add the funds to your account on MF, which you can then choose to spend however you like.

Sorry this was so long. I am open to answer any questions. I am sure many are excited to see where this goes. We will do our best to serve our fans, photographers, and models!

Thanks for reading.

2 years 8 months ago

Thank god I just got a raise at work

2 years 8 months ago

I like the idea and understand the concept behind it – the “protected” space for the models. I’m curious what the models will call as a monthly price and how active the whole thing will be then.
Thanks TM/MC for providing the platform and think you will be able to make interesting contacts there.

J photographer
2 years 8 months ago

I can say, that girls, are really looking forward on you. Trust me, or not, most of them still don’t belive, that you like them so much. 🙂

2 years 8 months ago

Hello TeenMarvel how do you go about creating an account on the site? tried putting my email and a new password in but comes up with message about “these credentials do not match our records”

2 years 8 months ago

Registrations are closed until the website officially launches. It shouldn’t be long before you are able to.

2 years 8 months ago

tm thanks for the response and clearing that up I thought I was missing the completely obvious so thanks for putting my mind to rest regarding this issue.

have to say the new announcment for me is a step into the unknown I personally have never visited Onlyfans or any site like it not really sure what it even is really, heard the name but never visited but will certainly be curious as to how it all works within the context of the TeenMarvel family.

before the end of may for the site to open? is that your plan if all goes as planned.

2 years 8 months ago

It is not for everybody, even some models may not be interested. Everything here at TM will go on as normal, so if you are not interested, nothing will change here.
Yes, it will for sure launch in May unless something goes wrong suddenly.

2 years 8 months ago

TM regarding the wallet the manual process is only for new cummers or for all?

and is possible to start making one account for all three websites TM, MC & MF so can use the wallet even for buying sets?

2 years 8 months ago

It will be manual for everyone, at least for the time being.
And for security reasons, we don’t want accounts on the site where payments take place, so no wallets for TM or MC.

2 years 8 months ago

Since this thread is to give feedback, I will leave my honest opinion:

When I started reading about TM/MC getting a new OnlyFans-like platform I felt shivers down my spine… This is because, in my opinion, TeenMarvel / MarvelCharm and OnlyFans are in the extreme opposite ends of the quality spectrum.

TM and MC have outlandish high quality content, tastefully shot, with attention to detail, the scenery, the color, the photography, the overall settings, everything is tastefully done and you get a spectacularly crafted mix of art and eroticism that is the trademark of TM / MC. This is why we sometimes pay more for a single set than the cost of an entire monthly subscription for many sites with many dozens of models and hundreds or hours of video, and are still glad to do it and feel it was worth every penny. Because the quality on TM/MC is very high, and we (well I at least) feel it was worth every penny

OnlyFans on the other hand is the precise opposite, 99% of the content is jsut godawful, shot by amateurs with phones or handheld walmart cameras, mostly distasteful and gratuitous and usually having as much eroticism and sexyness as traffic at rush hour…

This is why I have to admit I do not felt that much excited about learning of a new *Fans site by TM. Another thing that popped in the back of my mind is that models would begin to save their best content behind the new site’s additional paywall, which would mean the drop in quality of TM / MC.

Anyway, that being said, since TeenMarvel has stated that the TM / MC sites will continue to operate exactly as before, with no drop in content quality or regularity, then I guess that for me is more than enough to put my mind at easy, and if the new site helps the models and gives them additional revenue, then I truly wish it the best.

A thing that I’m, actually excited about is the mentioned future livestreams of shooting sessions. Some other sites have also begun doing livestreams of photo/video shoots, and the results have been very nice, and TM / MC being the best in the genre I believe the results will be fantastic.

Anyway just my honest 2 cents, and many thanks to the TM (and MC) team for all the fantastic work you done over the years.

2 years 8 months ago

Great points, thanks for your thoughts.

One of the things we are committed to (possibly to a fault) is treating our models like family. Many other sites are fine with shooting a model and throwing them away… the complete opposite of what we do. That’s why so many models go for an OF account. Our goal is to create a solution to a problem… we don’t want our models at other platforms simply because we could not provide a certain service. But I am also aware that the community has concerns, and it can create more problems than it solves. We are willing to take risks like this, and if it doesn’t work out, we can always pivot.

By the way, models can’t just put out their hottest content on the fan site and leave TM / MC. Any model on the fan site is required to still come in and shoot for their designated website. If the model does not perform for us at our current sites, then they cannot be on MF. We are giving them a gift with the platform, they are not allowed to abuse it. However, our models have trusted us for many years, it is only right for us to treat them with just as much trust.

2 years 8 months ago

Thank you for your reply.

The moment you said that everything will continue as normal on TM and MC, my mind is at ease. 🙂 And perhaps I’ll even be positively surprised with MF. After all, if anyone can manage to pull off a quality *fans-like platform, it’s you guys.

Looking forward to hearing about the shoot livestreams as well.

Cheers and best wishes.

2 years 8 months ago

thanks JM for taking the time to post the above and illuminate me regards the Onlyfans platform comparison you seem to have a great amount of knowledge so I thank you for sharing here and giving me the broad overview. I myself have pretty much no clue as to what it is, heard of it and that’s about were my knowledge ends. sounds from your description of the Onlyfans site i am not missing very much. like I said above I am curious as to how it all works in context of the TeenMarvel site, definitely a wait and see from me as to how it all pans out over the cuming weeks and months.

2 years 8 months ago

One of the worst features of the “fans” type sites are the complete lack of preview for content. Most models choose not to have a thumbnail or anything for the paid content. You have to just take a guess if it will be something you want or not. From that perspective, I’m out, since the guessing game at what something might be for $15-$50 is absurd.

However, if you disable that feature or require your models to have previews or reasonable thumbnails of the sets/videos, it might be a good venture into this medium.

2 years 8 months ago

Like the idea and am looking forward to how this works out. Behind the scene stuff for example sure will give a benefit to the fans.
What I am missing at the moment is a setting to DISABLE notification emails (like new posts). I really hate those and like to keep my inbox clean from leisure stuff. 😀 BTW, setting filters on my end for this is not the solution.

2 years 8 months ago

I hear you loud and clear, our own inbox get spammed whenever someone follows our free channel. I’ll be passing this to the dev team so they can make the proper changes.

2 years 8 months ago

Already integrated, nice! 😀