We’d like some feedback from fans on what we should do next for Madison.
The situation is Madison had a kid awhile back, so there was a hiatus on shooting. We’ve done a few shoots after the baby, she still looks pretty good.
We also have some content from while she was pregnant, but it was during the early stages so it’s not that noticeable. Madison doesn’t mind what we do, so we will ask you all what you want.
Would you rather we release the pre-baby Madison sets? Or go straight into the post-baby Madison sets? Maybe a photo from both situations will help decide?
We also have a few classic sets, and of course the unreleased photos we discussed before. Your opinion on all of this will help us a lot. Thanks! 🙂
Update: We have added photos below.
4 years 5 months ago
TO Madison Wishing you many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.
TM, you can start by releasing a bundle of pre-baby Madison & post-baby Madison together so we can have an idea. More idea later after I finished enjoying the Naked Twerk 😉
4 years 5 months ago
When I first got into Madison she was the queen of tease and I hoped that the tease would progress into her showing her lady bits. Maddy went from my B-list to the top of my A-list,speaking only for myself I want it all pre/post pregnancy,all her sets. Put together bundles of her older sets as far as future sets I don’t need to see her in sets like Petra’s event set,but if she is comfortable doing that I will be 1st in line to buy. Maddy is cute as f___ and has an incredible body,I hope she models for years to come for I will always be her #1 fan,thanx TM.
4 years 5 months ago
Let me add to what I said,teaser pics and videos,I want them as well. Make bundles or add them into a set and charge a premium fot extra content.
4 years 5 months ago
I’m cool with anything from her really. She’s the only girl that interests me for some reason, not sure what it is about her. It would be nice to see the unreleased video from the end of “Graduate” when it says “One day we’ll clear your vision. Be nice and be patient. =]”. Other than that you guys do what is best and I’ll probably keep buying her content.
As a side note on the download page right now for the Level 10 Unlock the links both send us to the image set instead, so there is no video link to download.
4 years 5 months ago
I would like to see her previously censored pics and vids. You guys mentioned that once before. Thought it was a great idea.
4 years 5 months ago
I wouldn’t mind seeing a photo from pre and post, but it’s up to you and the rest of the fans on what to post first. Maybe alternate updates between classic, pre, and post. Or some bundles with a mix of classic, pre, and post. Just about any update from Maddie will be good. The previews always make the decision for me.
4 years 5 months ago
First off, congratulations to Maddie!
To the question: Preview photos would be great. Although when it comes to Maddie, I’m pretty much an “all of the above” person. More interested in nude, moreso than the non-nude, TBH. Definitely interested in the “unreleased” if I had to pin a priority on the choices given.
4 years 5 months ago
Maddie has been my favorite at TM since shortly after she started. I would love to eventually see any/all that exists of her. I do agree it would be nice to see examples of new and old; however, if there is more “old” like this event release, then please, please, PLEASE make it available. I imagine there is still tamer older content, which could be released sporadically as “throwback” sets. I really wouldn’t complain either way as long as the content doesn’t stop anytime soon, but my opinion on Madison, is more is ALWAYS better and much appreciated. When I have to wait more than a month for new Maddie, I get nervous 🙂 Happy to hear about her bundle of joy, hope all is well with her and her family.
4 years 5 months ago
First of all congratulations for Madison! 🙂
Over time I would very much love to see everything you mentioned released, the classic sets, the pre-baby, the unreleased photos, the post-baby, all of it.
But I get that might not be possible or take a very long time. Still, I would very much like that.
For Madison specifically I would like to see it mix-ed up a bit, firstly perhaps a duo release of pre and post baby, or a pre-baby set with a few bits from a post-baby set which can then follow in full some time later.
The classic sets can perhaps be combined with other models of which you have some classic sets. Perhaps in a monthly /bimonthly / quarterly classics bundle, to ensure these are a success, perhaps add in the option for a tribute like preview for everyone who bought the bundle. Anyone who bought it can request a preview of one of the models featured in that bundle. (Perhaps also an idea for MC?).
The unreleased photos as discussed before, well, from her interview video, her birthday was on the 15th August, it’s quite late so maybe it’s stretching things here, but perhaps a tribute round for a late birthday gift?
Everyone who participates could get the pictures.
A photo from both situations would definitely be helpful I think.
Though if I’m being very honest, I doubt it will change my mind.
Sorry for going a bit further than just Madison, I hope you don’t mind I took this opportunity to voice my thoughts.
Well congrats to Maddie!!. And glad she is still wanting to make new stuff afterwards 🙂
I don’t mind… any Madison is good. What would really be good is more with Naomi. Maybe a bit more like Mia and Sofi with some boob sucking 🙂
4 years 5 months ago
Release everything as long as you stop the photo and video masking. Let us see all of the beautiful and playful Madison.
4 years 5 months ago
Here is pre-maddie:
Here is post-maddie:
Like we said above, it’s hard to tell in the pre-baby. In the post-baby, she is just a little thicker, which some might enjoy. I think we’ll try both to see how everyone likes it. And of course the uncensored photos will be coming soon.
Hope this helps. 🙂
4 years 5 months ago
Sign me up for current Maddie.
4 years 5 months ago
“I think we’ll try both to see how everyone likes it.” I’m very glad to read that, especially after seeing the example pictures. Madison looks great in all of them post as well as pre. Looking forward to be able to buy these as well as the uncensored photos off course 🙂
Thanks TM!
4 years 5 months ago
I see no real difference at all…matters not to me – Maddie is always welcome in my heart and mind!
4 years 5 months ago
Looking at these previews, I both look forward to the newest content, and also don’t want to miss out on any of the older stuff, either. Glad to hear you will be trying both, and also trying to increase the amount to get released (comment below). “…she still looks pretty good” is an understatement, lol. I know some will complain about her Tattoo(s), but seriously, if you could turn away a girl like Maddie because of a tattoo, I suppose you’d give away a Rolls Royce because it has a dented fender. I have no problems with Tattoos, personally. Thanks for providing a little insight into what we can expect moving forward, and allowing us to provide our input. TM, MC and LM are the best sites going by far. You clearly care about the models, and your customers. You continue to strive to provide the best content, and continue to outdo yourselves, and we are grateful. Now, back to Maddie’s back.
4 years 5 months ago
Thank you, we try hard…
4 years 5 months ago
If you want my honest assessment, I think the pre-baby pictures look significantly better.
I personally like the skinnier, younger look better. I think Maddie did a great job getting her body close to pre-baby level, but I think it will still be a noticeable difference when watching videos or getting the complete photo sets. The younger/ older aspect is more noticeable to me when looking at her face. The post-baby face looks fuller to me. I also don’t like the big tattoo (they are just not my thing).
Don’t get me wrong, if post-baby Maddie came up to me in a bar and wanted to bang, I would probably fall over trying to get my pants off. But if you gave me an option between pre-baby and post-baby and the content is similar (tits only vs. tits only; naked twerk vs. naked twerk), I will buy the pre-baby set every time.
Either way, I think everyone can agree that we definitely want more Maddie.
4 years 5 months ago
That’s fair. It’s one of reasons why we asked in the first place, a lot will like the pre-baby more. It’s also a heads up, we didn’t want to shock anybody once the pre-baby content runs out. But it will be awhile before that happens.
4 years 5 months ago
Personally, I love Madison never mind the period ! she is in my top 3 since the beginning and she will stay for ever <3
She's gorgeous pre-baby and she's still gorgeous post baby and I will take every further Maddie sets so do not hesitate to post everything you have, including sets while she was pregnant and unreleased sets, the Maddie's lovers (like me) will take them all for sure 😉
Also I really hope she will shoot again for TM in near future and as long as possible <3
4 years 5 months ago
Just going to be honest here. Maddie looks good in both. I like seeing her a little thicker, but the tattoo is a real bummer. Tattoos are why I lost interest in Kris.
4 years 5 months ago
Hey I’m a huge Madison fan here and have bought most of her stuff since way back. She is the best girl on the site, period. I mean no disrespect to the other models on the site, several of whom I also really enjoy.
I see your sample pics and I gotta say she is still 100 percent hot as fuck. In fact looking at the post-pics again, I want to ask when can you hurry up and get those out? She looks better than ever and I can’t wait to see the new sets. She does much more exciting content now so that is a huge reason to go to the new sets.
On the other hand, there have been at least two sets teased at the end of videos that are still not released, and I really want to get those particular sets because the teasers showed that they have the kind of stuff I want to see. I’m sure you know which ones I’m talking about. Can we please at least get those soon? Its been forever now.
She looks so fucking good in those post samples there that I can’t believe there is a need to explain anything. Those pics are even hotter than the older ones. I can’t wait to see her looking like this, and I’ll buy them all just like I always do! I hope she keeps shaking it too, especially looking like that.
4 years 5 months ago
Thanks! We’ll try and increase the amount of Madison sets that get released. There is a lot to get through…
For the post baby sets, I wanted to make it more clear for fans just in case they go “what happened to her?” Obviously we will still get a few comments like that, but I think in general most fans will now understand.
And yes, her backside is still fantastic. You’ll have to wait and see. 🙂
4 years 5 months ago
Thanx 🙂
4 years 5 months ago
I think she’s amazing…I also think she is ready for a set and vid with Petra…..anyway, please post everything….love her.
4 years 5 months ago
I’m a sucker for blonds, so I was instantly hooked when Madison first arrived on the site. Since then, anytime I see she has a new update, I don’t hesitate and just buy it.
After looking at the pre and post pictures, well – she still looks fantastic! I’ve already purchased all of her content here and at MC, so you can just go ahead of count me in as a guaranteed purchase for anything else of hers you have :).
4 years 5 months ago
Great discussion here guys, firstly congrats to Madison on the baby!
I for one discovered her here while following Kris to this site and I do love her playful innocence look, which like she still has in spades in post pics, maybe a little more sultry which is nice.
In my opinion aside from some extra curves and the tattoo I like both pre and post Madison and would love to see more of both.
Thanks TM and Madison
4 years 5 months ago
There is only one wrong answer and thats the one that gives us less Madison… She looks amazing as always, would continue to buy all her sets.
4 years 5 months ago
Congrats to Maddie! And she looks hot pre and post. I hope she’ll continue licking her nipples in her sets, i’ve always found that really hot.
Definitely up for both sets, pre and post. Quite frankly I’m disappointed you didn’t do more pregnancy sets! It might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it would have been an instant purchase for me, and a new angle for TM to gauge interest on that type of set.
4 years 5 months ago
She still looks super sexy, wouldn’t even know she had a kid without you telling me. but I’m not a fan of the big tattoo, not really a fan of tattoos in general so id buy any old sets without the tats, but ill stop when it gets to the sets with the tats
4 years 5 months ago
Ive literally purchased every Madison set. The change is fine but I expect to see MORE of her Booty and MORE bootyhole. I know it sounds like a weird fetish, but her bootyhole is the best on this site and possibly all of MC too.
So if Maddie continues to model shes gotta keep using her ASSet and let me imagine sinking my tastebuds into her brown deliciousness.
Congrats on baby btw ! My wife is currently expecting too 😀
4 years 5 months ago
Thank you for being a loyal Madison fan!
Her later stuff focuses lots on what you are requesting. You will NOT be disappointed!
4 years 5 months ago
FIrst of all congratulations to Madison! I really hope she enjoys being a mother and hope that she stays with modeling.
I may not be her no. 1 fan but I do enjoy her sets a lot and after all the teasing in the past I am happy that she has taken the next step with her recent sets and pictures. I hope she enjoys the shoots as much as we all do watching her.
With regard to the initial question I don’t see much difference between the pictures beside the obvious tattoo on her arm.
I just hope that she does not decide to get more ink done as I am not that big a fan of tattoos on cute girls.
So keep posting what you have and we will all enjoy for sure what you and Madison deliver to us!
Thanks to the photographer, the whole team of TeenMarvel and of course Madison for all the nice pictures and videos you have created!
Keep on doing what you are doing then everything will be fine.
4 years 5 months ago
WOW! Madison is awesome, Pre and post.
First and foremost, Congratulations on your blessing, I will never ever forget the birth of mine.
I so appreciate Madison’s openness to continue to model and share.
I for one would look forward to a release of the “backlog” both pre and post, whatever you are comfortable with (given the twerk video, that’s a broad whatever).
I am guessing this discussion could be quite open and honest, please edit anything i might be over the line with.
as for new work.
1. I would love the first set to be “Maddie as I (maddie) want to be. or Maddie unleashed. sharing her wild side. with a follow up discussion.
2. Would GG be an option? If so, who might be possible set mates? I have some in mind, but wont be that presumptive. maybe toys?
Maybe with some newbies that might choose to blossom.
Thanks to TM too in a biggie way
4 years 5 months ago
first congrats to Maddie!, she is my favorite teen marvel girl BY FAR she always looks like she is having a blast and shes so sexy, the new shots you showed she looks deliciously thicc! I cant wait to see mroe!
4 years 4 months ago
Maddie looks great pre or post pregnancy. i have no preference
4 years 4 months ago
I hope I am not late to the party. pre-Maddie and post-Maddie both looks amazing. TM, I think you can mix and match sometimes pre and sometimes post. I think the best way to start by releasing a bundle set pre and post 🙂 . If only time-machine do exist i will bring the old Maddie to the present Maddie and create a duo set. 🙂
4 years 4 months ago
Yeah and I forgot to add More More More and Longer Longer longer Twerk videos, please.
Got something to discuss?
Hi everyone. 🙂
We’d like some feedback from fans on what we should do next for Madison.
The situation is Madison had a kid awhile back, so there was a hiatus on shooting. We’ve done a few shoots after the baby, she still looks pretty good.
We also have some content from while she was pregnant, but it was during the early stages so it’s not that noticeable. Madison doesn’t mind what we do, so we will ask you all what you want.
Would you rather we release the pre-baby Madison sets? Or go straight into the post-baby Madison sets? Maybe a photo from both situations will help decide?
We also have a few classic sets, and of course the unreleased photos we discussed before. Your opinion on all of this will help us a lot. Thanks! 🙂
Update: We have added photos below.
TO Madison Wishing you many congratulations on your new bundle of joy.
TM, you can start by releasing a bundle of pre-baby Madison & post-baby Madison together so we can have an idea. More idea later after I finished enjoying the Naked Twerk 😉
When I first got into Madison she was the queen of tease and I hoped that the tease would progress into her showing her lady bits. Maddy went from my B-list to the top of my A-list,speaking only for myself I want it all pre/post pregnancy,all her sets. Put together bundles of her older sets as far as future sets I don’t need to see her in sets like Petra’s event set,but if she is comfortable doing that I will be 1st in line to buy. Maddy is cute as f___ and has an incredible body,I hope she models for years to come for I will always be her #1 fan,thanx TM.
Let me add to what I said,teaser pics and videos,I want them as well. Make bundles or add them into a set and charge a premium fot extra content.
I’m cool with anything from her really. She’s the only girl that interests me for some reason, not sure what it is about her. It would be nice to see the unreleased video from the end of “Graduate” when it says “One day we’ll clear your vision. Be nice and be patient. =]”. Other than that you guys do what is best and I’ll probably keep buying her content.
As a side note on the download page right now for the Level 10 Unlock the links both send us to the image set instead, so there is no video link to download.
I would like to see her previously censored pics and vids. You guys mentioned that once before. Thought it was a great idea.
I wouldn’t mind seeing a photo from pre and post, but it’s up to you and the rest of the fans on what to post first. Maybe alternate updates between classic, pre, and post. Or some bundles with a mix of classic, pre, and post. Just about any update from Maddie will be good. The previews always make the decision for me.
First off, congratulations to Maddie!
To the question: Preview photos would be great. Although when it comes to Maddie, I’m pretty much an “all of the above” person. More interested in nude, moreso than the non-nude, TBH. Definitely interested in the “unreleased” if I had to pin a priority on the choices given.
Maddie has been my favorite at TM since shortly after she started. I would love to eventually see any/all that exists of her. I do agree it would be nice to see examples of new and old; however, if there is more “old” like this event release, then please, please, PLEASE make it available. I imagine there is still tamer older content, which could be released sporadically as “throwback” sets. I really wouldn’t complain either way as long as the content doesn’t stop anytime soon, but my opinion on Madison, is more is ALWAYS better and much appreciated. When I have to wait more than a month for new Maddie, I get nervous 🙂 Happy to hear about her bundle of joy, hope all is well with her and her family.
First of all congratulations for Madison! 🙂
Over time I would very much love to see everything you mentioned released, the classic sets, the pre-baby, the unreleased photos, the post-baby, all of it.
But I get that might not be possible or take a very long time. Still, I would very much like that.
For Madison specifically I would like to see it mix-ed up a bit, firstly perhaps a duo release of pre and post baby, or a pre-baby set with a few bits from a post-baby set which can then follow in full some time later.
The classic sets can perhaps be combined with other models of which you have some classic sets. Perhaps in a monthly /bimonthly / quarterly classics bundle, to ensure these are a success, perhaps add in the option for a tribute like preview for everyone who bought the bundle. Anyone who bought it can request a preview of one of the models featured in that bundle. (Perhaps also an idea for MC?).
The unreleased photos as discussed before, well, from her interview video, her birthday was on the 15th August, it’s quite late so maybe it’s stretching things here, but perhaps a tribute round for a late birthday gift?
Everyone who participates could get the pictures.
A photo from both situations would definitely be helpful I think.
Though if I’m being very honest, I doubt it will change my mind.
Sorry for going a bit further than just Madison, I hope you don’t mind I took this opportunity to voice my thoughts.
félicitations pour madison,papa et le bébé et en réponse a votre questionnement,je préférerais dabord pré-bébé et apres post-bébé et oui pour les photos car je pourrais mieux faire mon choix. merci serge
Well congrats to Maddie!!. And glad she is still wanting to make new stuff afterwards 🙂
I don’t mind… any Madison is good. What would really be good is more with Naomi. Maybe a bit more like Mia and Sofi with some boob sucking 🙂
Release everything as long as you stop the photo and video masking. Let us see all of the beautiful and playful Madison.
Here is pre-maddie:

Here is post-maddie:

Like we said above, it’s hard to tell in the pre-baby. In the post-baby, she is just a little thicker, which some might enjoy. I think we’ll try both to see how everyone likes it. And of course the uncensored photos will be coming soon.
Hope this helps. 🙂
Sign me up for current Maddie.
“I think we’ll try both to see how everyone likes it.” I’m very glad to read that, especially after seeing the example pictures. Madison looks great in all of them post as well as pre. Looking forward to be able to buy these as well as the uncensored photos off course 🙂
Thanks TM!
I see no real difference at all…matters not to me – Maddie is always welcome in my heart and mind!
Looking at these previews, I both look forward to the newest content, and also don’t want to miss out on any of the older stuff, either. Glad to hear you will be trying both, and also trying to increase the amount to get released (comment below). “…she still looks pretty good” is an understatement, lol. I know some will complain about her Tattoo(s), but seriously, if you could turn away a girl like Maddie because of a tattoo, I suppose you’d give away a Rolls Royce because it has a dented fender. I have no problems with Tattoos, personally. Thanks for providing a little insight into what we can expect moving forward, and allowing us to provide our input. TM, MC and LM are the best sites going by far. You clearly care about the models, and your customers. You continue to strive to provide the best content, and continue to outdo yourselves, and we are grateful. Now, back to Maddie’s back.
Thank you, we try hard…
If you want my honest assessment, I think the pre-baby pictures look significantly better.
I personally like the skinnier, younger look better. I think Maddie did a great job getting her body close to pre-baby level, but I think it will still be a noticeable difference when watching videos or getting the complete photo sets. The younger/ older aspect is more noticeable to me when looking at her face. The post-baby face looks fuller to me. I also don’t like the big tattoo (they are just not my thing).
Don’t get me wrong, if post-baby Maddie came up to me in a bar and wanted to bang, I would probably fall over trying to get my pants off. But if you gave me an option between pre-baby and post-baby and the content is similar (tits only vs. tits only; naked twerk vs. naked twerk), I will buy the pre-baby set every time.
Either way, I think everyone can agree that we definitely want more Maddie.
That’s fair. It’s one of reasons why we asked in the first place, a lot will like the pre-baby more. It’s also a heads up, we didn’t want to shock anybody once the pre-baby content runs out. But it will be awhile before that happens.
Personally, I love Madison never mind the period ! she is in my top 3 since the beginning and she will stay for ever <3
She's gorgeous pre-baby and she's still gorgeous post baby and I will take every further Maddie sets so do not hesitate to post everything you have, including sets while she was pregnant and unreleased sets, the Maddie's lovers (like me) will take them all for sure 😉
Also I really hope she will shoot again for TM in near future and as long as possible <3
Just going to be honest here. Maddie looks good in both. I like seeing her a little thicker, but the tattoo is a real bummer. Tattoos are why I lost interest in Kris.
Hey I’m a huge Madison fan here and have bought most of her stuff since way back. She is the best girl on the site, period. I mean no disrespect to the other models on the site, several of whom I also really enjoy.
I see your sample pics and I gotta say she is still 100 percent hot as fuck. In fact looking at the post-pics again, I want to ask when can you hurry up and get those out? She looks better than ever and I can’t wait to see the new sets. She does much more exciting content now so that is a huge reason to go to the new sets.
On the other hand, there have been at least two sets teased at the end of videos that are still not released, and I really want to get those particular sets because the teasers showed that they have the kind of stuff I want to see. I’m sure you know which ones I’m talking about. Can we please at least get those soon? Its been forever now.
She looks so fucking good in those post samples there that I can’t believe there is a need to explain anything. Those pics are even hotter than the older ones. I can’t wait to see her looking like this, and I’ll buy them all just like I always do! I hope she keeps shaking it too, especially looking like that.
Thanks! We’ll try and increase the amount of Madison sets that get released. There is a lot to get through…
For the post baby sets, I wanted to make it more clear for fans just in case they go “what happened to her?” Obviously we will still get a few comments like that, but I think in general most fans will now understand.
And yes, her backside is still fantastic. You’ll have to wait and see. 🙂
Thanx 🙂
I think she’s amazing…I also think she is ready for a set and vid with Petra…..anyway, please post everything….love her.
I’m a sucker for blonds, so I was instantly hooked when Madison first arrived on the site. Since then, anytime I see she has a new update, I don’t hesitate and just buy it.
After looking at the pre and post pictures, well – she still looks fantastic! I’ve already purchased all of her content here and at MC, so you can just go ahead of count me in as a guaranteed purchase for anything else of hers you have :).
Great discussion here guys, firstly congrats to Madison on the baby!
I for one discovered her here while following Kris to this site and I do love her playful innocence look, which like she still has in spades in post pics, maybe a little more sultry which is nice.
In my opinion aside from some extra curves and the tattoo I like both pre and post Madison and would love to see more of both.
Thanks TM and Madison
There is only one wrong answer and thats the one that gives us less Madison… She looks amazing as always, would continue to buy all her sets.
Congrats to Maddie! And she looks hot pre and post. I hope she’ll continue licking her nipples in her sets, i’ve always found that really hot.
I would love to see the more risqué early Maddie sets if they exist. Post baby maddie still looks beautiful minus the arm ink but that’s just my personal preference.
Definitely up for both sets, pre and post. Quite frankly I’m disappointed you didn’t do more pregnancy sets! It might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it would have been an instant purchase for me, and a new angle for TM to gauge interest on that type of set.
She still looks super sexy, wouldn’t even know she had a kid without you telling me. but I’m not a fan of the big tattoo, not really a fan of tattoos in general so id buy any old sets without the tats, but ill stop when it gets to the sets with the tats
Ive literally purchased every Madison set. The change is fine but I expect to see MORE of her Booty and MORE bootyhole. I know it sounds like a weird fetish, but her bootyhole is the best on this site and possibly all of MC too.
So if Maddie continues to model shes gotta keep using her ASSet and let me imagine sinking my tastebuds into her brown deliciousness.
Congrats on baby btw ! My wife is currently expecting too 😀
Thank you for being a loyal Madison fan!
Her later stuff focuses lots on what you are requesting. You will NOT be disappointed!
FIrst of all congratulations to Madison! I really hope she enjoys being a mother and hope that she stays with modeling.
I may not be her no. 1 fan but I do enjoy her sets a lot and after all the teasing in the past I am happy that she has taken the next step with her recent sets and pictures. I hope she enjoys the shoots as much as we all do watching her.
With regard to the initial question I don’t see much difference between the pictures beside the obvious tattoo on her arm.
I just hope that she does not decide to get more ink done as I am not that big a fan of tattoos on cute girls.
So keep posting what you have and we will all enjoy for sure what you and Madison deliver to us!
Thanks to the photographer, the whole team of TeenMarvel and of course Madison for all the nice pictures and videos you have created!
Keep on doing what you are doing then everything will be fine.
WOW! Madison is awesome, Pre and post.
First and foremost, Congratulations on your blessing, I will never ever forget the birth of mine.
I so appreciate Madison’s openness to continue to model and share.
I for one would look forward to a release of the “backlog” both pre and post, whatever you are comfortable with (given the twerk video, that’s a broad whatever).
I am guessing this discussion could be quite open and honest, please edit anything i might be over the line with.
as for new work.
1. I would love the first set to be “Maddie as I (maddie) want to be. or Maddie unleashed. sharing her wild side. with a follow up discussion.
2. Would GG be an option? If so, who might be possible set mates? I have some in mind, but wont be that presumptive. maybe toys?
Maybe with some newbies that might choose to blossom.
Thanks to TM too in a biggie way
first congrats to Maddie!, she is my favorite teen marvel girl BY FAR she always looks like she is having a blast and shes so sexy, the new shots you showed she looks deliciously thicc! I cant wait to see mroe!
Maddie looks great pre or post pregnancy. i have no preference
I hope I am not late to the party. pre-Maddie and post-Maddie both looks amazing. TM, I think you can mix and match sometimes pre and sometimes post. I think the best way to start by releasing a bundle set pre and post 🙂 . If only time-machine do exist i will bring the old Maddie to the present Maddie and create a duo set. 🙂
Yeah and I forgot to add More More More and Longer Longer longer Twerk videos, please.
More bootyhole…shaved/waxed. Yum