Lili – Sombrero




Tribute the Queen:
Amount of photos in album: 85 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:29
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

4 years 6 months ago

I like the ‘southwest’ theme of this set, it’s something I can relate to. This one is definitely a throwback but very nice. A lot of time left in 2020 but I really hope to get a bundle this year or even a peek at a new set 🙂

4 years 6 months ago

I don’t comment very often but for my fellow Lili fans out their trust me this is a total must buy, Lili at her absolute finest.

4 years 6 months ago

charles, as my cock belongs to lili i just cant but help myself with every session that lili puts out even when my poor penis cries, weeps and begs for mercy
lili puts out a new session and i go at again like the slave i am.

just wanted to add a comment or two as this release doesn’t seem to be getting the attention it deserves so i thought i would try and get some discussion going if anyone is interested? desperate now to know what cums next from lili so she can allow me to wank and cum again to her if she would allow me the honor.

4 years 6 months ago

I’ll send you a message if somebody replies, just in case you miss them.

Lots of comments from you…the waiting must have you aching. Just know that every purchase / tribute is appreciated. 🙂

4 years 6 months ago

thanks so much.

yes aching is definitely occurring now

4 years 6 months ago

jeez TM, can I also get direct messages from you if I do some public cum tributes? maybe some sneak peeks at some unreleased sets? Clearly I’ve been doing something wrong over the years. 😆 please tell me how to improve. 😉

jokes aside – @b79 I always appreciate your enthusiasm for Lili. (even if it’s not the same way I go about things I understand it) You can say you are Lili’s cock slave or whatever I think it’s pretty humorous, but trust me I am still just as devoted to Lili 🙂 You gotta post earlier than a week after the set comes out if you want some better discussion. I don’t think most people generally read comments after maybe 3-4 days. Also you never gave me your Lili top 10!

I liked this set but I like the newer and even more hands free sets like Nutcracker / Tabletop / Feline better. I also long for the level of tease ‘Black Mesh #1’ had. Still to this day I don’t think a better tease set has been done (though some have been close). Summer event is just around the corner and I know TM and Lili are capable of wonderful surprises.

I try to comment constructively on Lili so they TM knows what I like for future sets. If TM listens to at least 1 out of 100 dumb things I recommend or suggest I feel like that’s still a win.

4 years 6 months ago

andrew thanks for responding, always love to hear your input, very thoughtful and specific.
its a real shame if what you say is accurate regarding commentor’s not posting after 3 to 4 days, incomprehensible to me that people dont pop back from time to time and update thoughts on given release its something that baffles and puzzles me as it personally gives me great pleasure in posting comments and reading.

lili top 10 good lord how to choose from that level of assortment talk about a choose your favourite sweet/candy not sure i could ever narrow it down. the 25 you stated attached to the queen session was indeed a noble effort, certainly one i appreciated your time and effort to put together.

black mesh is indeed truly wonderful, maybe a possible future all time top 5 outfit might be say pink mesh as worn by the splendid elza and romana or hows about golden last adorned by the gorgeous naomi, glasses as modeled by naomi last i think, rainbow mesh as worn by victoria, sofi, naomi. black mesh #2 gloriously worn by madison.

obviously i apologise to any models who have modelled said outfits that i may have missed

i am bound to have missed many other future outfit possibilities maybe you can add some for thought

4 years 5 months ago

I think if there was a general discussion board for each model it might be easier to continue conversations but new sets coming out just kinda reset things a bit. With 100+ pages of places to comments it’s too much to go back to read, easier to just wait for the newest one every time. We didn’t use to have comments at all so I can’t really complain.

yes, there are lot of nice new outfits I have seen on other models that would work great on Lili – definitely agree with the golden and rainbow mesh ones you named. I think I already requested that new rainbow mesh once before even. The white sheer one that Naomi just wore would also be quite nice. Sheer is always the best for teasing 😉 Aside from outfits I still miss the messy sets Lili used to do like body paint / choc shower / whipped cream etc.. I am sad she never did baby oil but her Susdy sets were/are a good alternative.

and I don’t blame you for not having a top 10 – I could barely do 25 and by now if I did it again it would be 95% completely different 😆 Even right after i posted I wanted to change it, but I enjoyed giving it a try just for fun. Maybe someday I’ll update it.

4 years 6 months ago

Lili i really like …. will there be more Freya content soon?

4 years 6 months ago

robert just imagine that the next release from freya, she was joined by lili.
talk about a return.
maybe total wank fantasy but i really like that sort of thought, it goes somewhat to dampen the desperation felt whilst waiting/wanking for lili’s latest session to be released

4 years 6 months ago

Not the most revealing but damn she looks good!! I have a suggestion… how bout a Lili “astonishing” set that’d be cool!!!! Oh and also to Andrews point I was kind of expecting a bundle back in November and we keep hearing about how many sets you have stockpiled so ya a bundle would be amazing they’ve had some of her best sets in them!!

Sean Connery Impersonator
4 years 6 months ago

i need her to go the Cutie route, where she’s nude in the buff, and very confident as she is. I don’t need the more extreme (which i would love) i just want to see more or Lili with no handbra/handpanties. A man can dream

4 years 5 months ago

love looking at this woman and would soon be broke if she was dressed like that and I was ordering drinks. It must be hard to keep coming up with themes. She is so popular you could re-release extended and unedited sets and film . I think you would shift everything all over again and people would be happy to buy.