Lili – Secret Gift




Amount of photos in album: 81 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:17
Video Thumbnails:
Lili addicts must send tributes.

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2 years 11 months ago

Amazing. 🙂 I’m very happy to have another Lili set so soon, and this is a ‘peek’ classic Lili release for sure…but I’ll admit, I over-hyped this particular set too much in my head after seeing the previews last year. Everyone will enjoy this, but just understand that this is not ‘Grand Prize 3’.

TM, a serious question : Is this actually missing photos? The pic set just feels and looks incomplete to me. I ask because every other set from this session had well over 100 pics in them. It’s just a bit of a shame if not. 🙁

2 years 11 months ago

There was 100 pics, but some were repeats / blurry. You don’t want them, I promise.

2 years 11 months ago

Ok, thanks. I was just afraid the files got corrupted or something. You know I always like getting as much Lili as I can, so that is unfortunate. I trust your opinion though. I believe this was the first set shot that day, so I that might’ve had something to do with it. I’ll just think of it as the Grand Prize prequel. 🙂

2 years 9 months ago

Andrew you mention in your post “first set shot that day” which other releases were shot that day from you understanding? do you think there may be others not released from that session?


2 years 9 months ago

I saw this earlier b79, but I’ve been super busy all week. Not sure if you’ll see my response, but I’m afraid I enjoy being cryptic and having some fun just as much as TM enjoys teasing me. 😆 In four nine becomes ten…

I would be sad if we didn’t get to see Lili in Another Christmas set this year 🙁 but who knows, she may still give us a Lace Peek or two yet. Lili does love to adorn a Night Robe when she needs to Unwind in the evening, but she may feel the need to take a Nude Shower or Bath before bed. A new Grand Prize set would be Marvelous set don’t you think? Yes…a Secret Gift that would certainly be.

2 years 9 months ago

Andrew thanks for taking the time to respond. i trust you got some things sorted during your busy week? the four nine becomes ten, baffling for sure but decoded does this mean four sets out already with another six to cum? first guess from me.

the second part not sure what you would label it but intriguing and relaxing all at the same time with some wonderful possibilities regards to future lili releases unwind part 2 yes please, lust the original I do, wow its so hot.

Andrew I direct you along with any other who takes the time to read my comment here to take a look at a wish of mine, now that would most certainly fit the definition of a secret gift.

please feel free to correct anything I may have missed but pink peek to pink mesh 2 to pink mesh 3 to pink mesh 4 I think from my point of view its just pure masturbatory fantasy to think that lili could ever wear Madisons hot as it cums version of the pink mesh as found in the link above, its giddy/laughingly awesome to think about it really how hot that would be. all I know is that when it cums to lili which I have most definitely done a lot of, never ever under estimate what tm and lili have hidden away not seen by us slaves like I have said elsewhere I am most thankful of what we have had released which some of, if not nearly all I am eternally thankful for and am often dumfounded/befuddled/speechless/left in a drained state and is beyond my words and sentiments can express most/many times.


2 years 9 months ago

The 2nd part was me having some fun and naming all of Lili’s sets she did in this session like you requested. They are in order of when TM released them. Can you spot them all? 😉

yes, that Pink Mesh Madison has on there leaves very little to the imagination… A true Lili wank fantasy as you would say. I wish I could elaborate on the rest of your post, but I am afraid I can’t. You are correct though, stay logical but never underestimate or let your imagination get in your way of what is possible with Lili. 😉 …and TM’s ability to tease the fuck out of us all… 😛

2 years 9 months ago

another Christmas, lace peek, night robe, unwind, nude shower, grand prize, marvelous, secret gift. have I spotted them all?

2 years 9 months ago

almost, but you missed “Bath” 😛

2 years 11 months ago

where is it? I spent hundreds on Lili, thousands total…another pay/tribute up jew scheme?

2 years 11 months ago

Where is what? I’m not sure why you are replying to my post…but anyone who says “jew scheme” is a real piece of shit human being… or I guess rightly, a chode in this case. Interesting choice of slang there, I haven’t heard that one since I was about 10 years old.

2 years 11 months ago

If you’re talking delivery of your tribute, sometimes it takes them a couple days but they’ve always responded if I reply to the order confirmation email asking for a status. Sometimes they get backlogged.

2 years 11 months ago

He didn’t order anything Mike…he’s a liar and a tool hiding behind a fake name.

2 years 11 months ago


2 years 11 months ago

wow the rear thong/pussy shots at 4m:10s then again at 5m:26 with the great camera work zooming in on what is in front of him so he can and in turn for us all to enjoy the view followed by a knowing smile from lili are cock stiffeningly splendid the reason slow motion was invented. sexy as it cums from lili and the camera operator. then at around the 6m mark the simulated missionary fuck position with legs spread invitingly wide, pussy glimpses, tit and nipple play, fuck me and make me cum facial expressions, finger sucking wow, but still there is more to this release at 9m:15s I thought for a few seconds we were going to have lili rise up onto her knees for a full porno view from behind but like the mission statement states extreme tease certainly from lili always leaving me wanting more, wow.

its always great when a lili release comes out with know expectation from myself the freshness is a lovely surprise I have asked in the past to see it all but to savour the slow release/extreme tease of it instead.

2 years 11 months ago

Nice write up b79. ‘cock stiffeningly splendid’ is a fantastic way to put it. 😆 In regards to your last bit, I think I know what you mean. I sometimes miss the early days where every set released was a total surprise to me and I never knew what was to cum next. I still love having early peeks (many of which I have watched over and over again), but I think more recently I lost a lot of that ‘freshness’ feeling that you speak of. This set in particular I might have been a bit too spoiled on.

I have tried very hard to dissect each and every Lili session, thinking a lot about what I’m still missing… rather than just relax and let things flow naturally. In the end it’s all about showing Lili appreciation for all the great content she has provided over the years (and I very much hope it continues). It’s all very difficult with Lili for me in more ways than one, but I’m doing my best. TM knows I love surprises, so hopefully I haven’t exhausted them all quite just yet. 🙂

2 years 10 months ago

Probably been asked for before, but how about having an A-Z search option.

Often you will see other videos name checked. I know you can edit the browser address bar but that assumes you know the exact set name.

Lili is north of 200 sets now so thats a lot of pages to rake through.


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