Lili – Royalty




Amount of photos in album: 142 pictures
Resolution: 3744 x 5616
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:04
Send the Queen tributes.

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3 years 1 month ago

It’s Lili’s birthday weekend! We should have another update Sunday for her Birthday… stay tuned for more from our Goddess.
Your tributes will be her birthday gift from fans. We’ll try to get through those that send, but this weekend will be a little busy. Lili will make another thank you video like last time as well.

Let’s try to make this birthday even better for the Marvel Queen! 🙂

3 years 1 month ago

Wow, this is a nice early surprise! I did not expect to see a Lili set today at all 🙂 Thanks TM. I have definitely been waiting to see this outfit! 😀 It’s even better knowing there is more to come on Sunday, I can’t wait.

3 years 1 month ago

I was waiting for my tributes thinking her update would be on Sunday, thank you for this one and waiting for Sunday 🙂

3 years 1 month ago

so was not expecting this release on friday just seemed a bit early so happy to see it though. definitely with max regards sunday.
any idea of time for sunday update tm?

3 years 1 month ago

So there will be another update/set today, right ? I wanna buy them together – can’t wait!

3 years 1 month ago

I hope Lili will have a wonderful birthday! 🙂

3 years 1 month ago

wow full on tits right from the opening, was really looking forward to this release had a wonderful peek a few weeks back but the moment it is actually in front of you feels like it could be one of the all time great releases. loaded up a peter north cumshot compilation to run beside this release, wonderful finish to this evening.

3 years 1 month ago

@b79 when I got a preview of this I wanted to tell you so bad because it was one of the outfits on your wish list. I knew you would also probably get a peek of it though. 😉

I just want to take a moment to thank Lili for wearing this outfit, it’s really fucking hot. 🙂 I think this is one of the last sets shot during this session but with Lili it always looks like it’s the first one of the day. The full video is amazing, one of my new favorites. Also many thanks to the photographer for giving us some great close ups as well. Can’t wait to see what Sunday brings.

3 years 1 month ago

thanks andrew, about 9 months back i posted a comment attached to the naomi golden release which i think may be the same outfit as lili is wearing in this release (i am sure andrew will be able to confirm as he has such wonderful knowledge of the tm universe) i definitely 9 months or so ago when i posted the comment thought that it was pure wank fantasy for lili to ever wear such an outfit, however about a month and half back i was honoured to receive my tribute rewards and a few other goodies that i wont mention at the moment one being picture 131 from this release with a little personalised message and a splendid cum challenge request video (not sure if that is to much info tm please edit as necessary) anticipation grew, time passed and then out of no where this wonderful treat, made me so happy to see that front page update image

this second update on sunday talk that tm is teasing with is so very intriguing. another video and message or just a birthday message? waiting with anticipation. my wish would be that tm bring back teaser trailers for upcumming releases for individual models (lili) or like in the old days multi model compilation previews. i know that it takes away the surprise a little not for me though just heightens my anticipation.

as always peace

3 years 1 month ago

b79 If you compare this outfit directly to Naomi’s, they are similar, but Lili’s golden chains are even smaller 😉 So i think Lili’s is even better! I was fortunate enough to get a view of this back in November, it was definitely one of my most anticipated. Sounds like you had a lot of fun with yours.

TM I know you are working on the update now, but I hope you don’t forget about me 🙂 but it’s ok, you did warn me beforehand.

3 years 1 month ago

Yea guys, Lili’s golden chains outfit certainly is one I enjoyed very much as well! Also Kayley’s chains recently though silver instead of golden was quite the update! Perhaps this is a type of outfit we could see more often?
I can think of more than a few models who would rock it for sure 🙂

3 years 1 month ago

I know you so well that I assume you enjoyed 9:00 the most.

3 years 1 month ago

Not sure you meant me or b79 😛 but yes I do really love 9:00. 🙂 My other favorite parts are 2:30 and 6:58, it’s hard to say which I enjoyed the most because I also love the part my tribute reward was from as well. Basically it’s it’s all around the perfect video for fans of Lili breasts 😉

3 years 1 month ago

Yes it was meant for b79. I am glad you enjoyed also had enjoyable moments! 🙂

3 years 1 month ago

TM, I always ask you to be honest with me, but this time it would have been OK to lie and say it was meant for both of us you know 😆 😉 Your comment was literally right after you posted mine so I was confused. -__- but ty I did enjoy this set very much. Maybe b79 has some thoughts he can share.

btw TM, did you know this isn’t Lili’s first video called ‘Royalty’? I just thought it was a pretty cool coincidence… :mrgreen: Her birthday always has me remembering past sets and things.

3 years 1 month ago

first time watching i had already blown my load didn’t make it to the 9 minute mark. so many great moments. i will have another go this evening and see if i can make it to the titty shake moment before i blow, that you so kindly bring to my attention tm.

3 years 1 month ago

Lili has one of the most beautiful bodies i’ve ever seen. Long live the queen of TM!

3 years 1 month ago

We are working on the Sunday update now.
Please stay tuned…

2 years 4 months ago

TM, I’m here to report a crime… This set should be on Lili’s popularity page #1, not #14. Truly criminal.

…actually just go ahead and add most all sets from the last 2 years to that report, especially the wet sets and Empress.
People have lost their damn minds… 🙂


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