Lili – Goddess





Amount of photos in album: 107 pictures
Resolution: 4480 x 6720
Video Resolution: 1920×1080
Length: 10:33
Video Thumbnails:

Got something to discuss?

4 years 7 months ago

Model of the decade? 😉

To those wondering about the short video at the end, Lili took a break from modeling to do something more important. Now she is back. We plan far ahead into the future, so our sites run smoothly with updates even when a model takes a break.

And we hope you like this set!

4 years 7 months ago

Know that she don’t quit is just the best news, thank y’all for the good work. And I never saw another top model make the steps that Lili took, so I sure she is, and I feel very lucky to see my fav do that.

J. Smith
4 years 7 months ago

Sounds like she’s got a family. 🙂 More power to her!

4 years 7 months ago

Looks like I missed when Lili took a break. Glad she has returned and left us a message — a nice gift of voice at that. Warm set of pictures keeps these colder weather winds away. TeenMarvel, thank you for keeping us up to date. (Need to check Discussions more than ever.)

4 years 7 months ago

I’ve never wanted to be a spoon so hard in my life.

4 years 7 months ago

Guys, can someone write a quick review of this set please.
$20 it`s a bit high price for me and i would love to see how is that one comparable to the other ones from Her.

4 years 7 months ago

Is $20 expensive? The spoon looks of good quality

4 years 7 months ago

The Queen is back cannot ask for a better Christmas present. Thanks, TM 🙂

4 years 7 months ago

Happy that she is back. I hope to see her again in the event or in a scheduled update before the end of the year.

What about the regular scheduled updates ? You said that it will continue during the event but i haven’t seen one this week.

@Seb May be the price is because of the short video at the end, Lili speaks a bit to us.

4 years 7 months ago

ok well I definitely overthought this one! I really love her outfit again..she always looks extra amazing wearing anything pink, and looks like that spoon couldn’t get enough of Lili either 😀

It’s very thoughtful of her to do a little update for fans with the short video at the end. I’ve been excited about every release she’s done over the years and I am just very happy that the Lili roller coaster gets to keep going. I’ll be really looking forward to all her future sets . . . and striped top sets.

4 years 7 months ago

Thanks, Andrew for ruining my perfect run. 🙂

4 years 7 months ago

LOL, yea my bad. I put the seed of doubt in everyone’s head, the speculation was fun though. I guess doing the Lili top 25 fried my brain 😛

4 years 7 months ago

I was hyped for another Petra set oh well. Finger crossed on lvl 9 . Andrew what’s your favorite model other than the queen?

4 years 7 months ago

yea there are still some levels to come yet! I hope you can still get a Petra one. My other favorite model is without a doubt Alissa at MC, and I kinda wish she was here at TM instead. I am pretty stubborn with anyone else 🙂 but if I had to choose another at TM I would say Petra or Kayley.

4 years 7 months ago

Sometimes it’s best to go with the obvious haha. All signs pointed to Lili, but it seemed so obvious I figured it was a trick! Shoulda known better 🙂

Can’t wait to see what she has in store for us after her return!!

4 years 7 months ago

Never doubted this one was Lili — Occam’s Razor rarely fails.

4 years 7 months ago

WOW!! a big jump from 20 to 61 🙂 . TM or the guys I help with the emojis. I am struggling with them. The only ones that I know are these 🙂 😉 and 🙁 . I even tried using my phone emojis using the same face you guys using but still does not seem to work.

4 years 7 months ago

I know who this one is. Lili for sure. 🙂 Looking good Lili.

4 years 7 months ago

My Goddess..I love Lili

4 years 7 months ago

BTW, have you noticed that some Lili’s old sets are back to purchase? (they had disappeared during an update) Check Lili’s store pages 10 and 11 🙂

4 years 7 months ago

oh yea, that’s interesting. They had been gone for a long time, still missing 3 of them, but maybe they aren’t done adding them yet.

After seeing Kayley’s christmas set as a teaser on her twitter I hope Lili is also getting one 😎

4 years 6 months ago

I speak truth she is a mom now These things for sale may be from before that and we may never see more of her again like Lalana, Christina, and Sarah Peachez who have all disappeared too…. That’s a very good reason to support the site and most of all Lili so she may stay or come back.

4 years 6 months ago

??? Lili literally says in this video she is going to start shooting new sets, as in sets after her taking a break, also known as the present day. When will we actually see these new sets? who knows, could be awhile. I am guessing TM still have a few more archived Lili sets. (well at least one for sure ^^’ )

4 years 6 months ago

Sorry for any confusion. Just urging people to support the site so Lili will be around for a long time. Supporting the site just for Lili may keep her here for a long unlike the other Models that seem to be fly by night nowadays. Just a fan saying to other fans keep it up and support the site.

4 years 6 months ago

oh hey no worries, I was a little confused, but I am on board with your message now. I have also seen some models stop updating out of the blue, it probably feels really bad for the fans that supported them to not know why it’s suddenly stopped. I am a very vocal person here, but I know there are many quiet Lili supporters out there as well, it’s nice to see others voice their support.


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