This will be a word mess because I cannot describe in words the sorrow, but my hope is that this is therapeutic.
My first thought was that in no way could this be true. It is impossible that this could have happened to an angel, somebody so pure and full of love. She had just turned 20 years old, with an entire life ahead of her. She was loving to everyone she met and a professional in modeling with our colleagues. My comments feel generic, but I cannot find the words to describe her any other way.
Charlotta had returned from a trip abroad and was involved in a car accident. There was no alcohol involved. However, it was 02:00 AM and the roads were icy. She was not the one driving. The driver just forgot to adjust to the ice on the roads. This is all verified news by the police who were at the scene of the crash.
We were just a month away from meeting for the first time. Unfortunately, this will not happen, at least not here. Though I pray one day I get the privilege to meet this angel. I know she still lives through her family, friends, and the work she has done over these few short years. Her energy and her soul will last forever, and are present in every individual she has touched.
The last words I said to Charlotta were “love you. Enjoy.” At the time, I thought it was a stupid thing to say, as I didn’t think before sending the message and thought maybe it came across as unprofessional. But now, those words at least make me smile, knowing that before she left us she at least knew that I truly did love her.
Before I end my comments, I would like to tell a short story about our work with Charlotta. When we were recruiting our models onto MarvelFans, she was one of the first models to join (April 29, long before launch). The website was completely empty other than a few test posts by me. Without even asking, Charlotta would make posts on her page to an empty audience. We never asked her to, we never requested it, we never even told her the launch date. She would just upload content, I’m guessing to get a head start on what was to come, and that modeling was her passion. Lots of times we have to instruct a model on what to do or how to be successful here. It is not an exaggeration to say that Charlotta may have loved her job more than any other model here.
As far as Charlotta content here goes: the current content will stay, as we feel that it would not be right to erase someone’s pride and work just because of a passing. At the same time, we currently do not feel it is okay to release future content of Charlotta, this includes content she has done with other models. We simply do not know if it is right to release it, and we would rather be prudent than foolish or potentially disrespectful. That is our stance for the time being. It may change, it may not.
You may leave your prayers, thoughts, comments, and well wishes here.
Thank you to everyone for giving Charlotta a home. I love you all.
2 years 2 months ago
Dear god, this is terrible news. So incredibly hard to hear this. An obviously beautiful person inside and out. She had a rare passion for her work that was so obvious. Gone far soon.
2 years 2 months ago
So sad to see this.
So young and full of life.
Rest in peace and thank you for gracing or lives.
2 years 2 months ago
It’s so sad when young people is taken from us. Being open about sorrow shows that you care and also we fans do care. It also made me emotional. As David said below, life is fragile. Stay safe all and take care of each other.
I am sure there is a place for good people like Charlotta somewhere else in another life.
2 years 2 months ago
Holy shit, this is so fucking sad. My thoughts are with you guys, seriously take some time to hug your loved ones extra tight. Life is fragile. What a tragedy
2 years 2 months ago
Truly sad that my favorite model here has passed on.
2 years 2 months ago
Awful news, RIP.
2 years 2 months ago
This is profoundly saddening for me. I always enjoyed Charlotta’s work and seeing a new set from her would always brighten my day. For what it’s worth from an Internet stranger, I will miss her and she will live on in my memory.
As far as the decision to post or not post her uncompleted works. I often find it tacky, or worse, when the works of artists who have passed gets dredged up and put on display, although that is frequently regarding only partially finished or even private work. Reading what you’ve said, I feel that you have respect for her and her wishes and I think any decision that you make will be the right one.
2 years 2 months ago
Thank you all. It really does help.
2 years 2 months ago
This is truly devastating news. She was a very kind and sweet person and I will miss her. 🙁
2 years 2 months ago
Becouse I know her personally, I should tell you something about her. She attracted from attention wherever she went, from an early age. So I belive, that she was born to be a glamor model. And I can tell, that she’s been really happy these past few years. Becouse money from shoting helped her make dreams come true and she can traveled a lot.
2 years 2 months ago
Thank you my friend. It is good to hear that all of us helped make her dreams come true.❤️
And to all, I am sorry, I know it is difficult to visit our website and see this. This is supposed to be a happy place where you can enjoy yourself and see beautiful models, and this just ruins the mood. But I have to make a decision as a leader to announce this, it is not good to live in the dark and pretend all is fine. Plus, everyone here deserves to know. Not announcing it would eat at me forever. Charlotta is part of our family, we must honor her life and passion for modeling. We’ll get things back to normal shortly.
2 years 2 months ago
Of course you had to share. We are all family here… deeply sad news… indeed heaven has a glorious new angel…
2 years 2 months ago
No need for apologies, it’s important to take time out to honour someone who’s given so much on here.
2 years 2 months ago
Thank you.
This internet thing has made a new kid of relationship possible. If not common.
Of course we get attracted by the visual. But we get to know the persons, in front of the camera, we envy those behind it too.
TM+MC have created a place where that is possible, that is so cool. Things will move forward as they must.
2 years 2 months ago
100% the right decision
2 years 2 months ago
Be proud team, I would expect nothing less from a professional site like TM. To not post the incredibly sad & devastating news, would be an insult to Charlotta and her fans. We all have to deal with the reality of life. Its fickle and frail sometimes, and sometimes hard to deal with. Is there a way that there can be a permanent place for remembrance within the site? I know it will be a hard decision as to how long Charlottas Memory will stay on the home page. Forever I say, but a memorial section may now have to be included in the site. Thanks for letting us know about this very, very, sad news
in such a sensitive & compassionate way.
2 years 2 months ago
This news leaves one deeply sad and with teary eyes. Thank you TeenMarvel for finding the right words! Charlotte had an incomparable charisma and presence. She was one of a kind. I wish her relatives, friends and also the colleagues in the Marvel cosmos a lot of strength. She remains unforgotten!
2 years 2 months ago
Such awful news, hard to believe it’s true. Charlotta always seemed to radiated with happiness. Not a single hint of going through the motions to be found. I could only see genuine joy and love.
Heartfelt condolences to everyone who loved her.
May she rest in peace.
Lonesome George
2 years 2 months ago
This is devastating news… even though I have never met Charlotta, she seemed very sweet, good natured and full of life, it’s devastating to see someone so young perish with most of her whole life still in front of her…
2 years 2 months ago
Just can’t believe it and so shock to hear this news,So young and beautiful,Gone way too soon, It’s not been my year,I lost a great friend back in may,Gone too soon too,My heart goes to family, Friends and people who knew Charlotta,Such very sad loss,R.I.P.,So heartbreaking
2 years 2 months ago
This is so sad, my best wishes for her family and friends
2 years 2 months ago
So heartbreaking to hear, but thanks for sharing with us. My thoughts and condolences go out to her loved ones. I can tell the world lost another bright spot. It can feel so cold and senseless in times like these, but may her memory live on with those she held dear, and in her fans who got to experience her passion, kindness and beauty firsthand, for all too short of a time.
2 years 2 months ago
Rest in Peace Charlotta.
I am very shocked and saddened by this news. I could tell she really enjoyed her time here and it was allowing her to do what made her happy. It’s very heartbreaking when someone so young and so full of passion and love is taken from this world far too soon.
This life we have is precious. She can teach us that it’s important to spend as much time doing things you love and being around those you care for, because tomorrow is not a guarantee. It sounds like every life she touched made them better for it. My condolences to her family, friends, and to all the fans of hers that enjoyed her content and supported her work. Stay safe everyone.
Hector V
2 years 2 months ago
Thank you Charlotta for your beautiful work. you will be missed. my respects for you and your family and co workers.
2 years 2 months ago
Too young, too soon. Wish her friends and family the best.
2 years 2 months ago
Very sad news, so young….what a shame. Rest in Peace
2 years 2 months ago
RIP Charlotta
You brought joy and happiness to so many doing something you loved.
Heartfelt thoughts and well wishes go to her friends and family during this difficult time of grieving her loss.
2 years 2 months ago
Very Sad News Wow She really was my Fav Model here. So very sad to hear this. RIP CHARLOTTA. SHE REALLY WAS A GREAT MODEL
2 years 2 months ago
Some people in the TM/MC/MF community might want to help but could also feel awkward about buying a video.
Might be controversial, but how about a one month campaign whereby an option to donate appears as part of the checkout process. maybe 5, 10, 20 dollars? All proceeds to go to Charlotta’s family or a charity of their choice. It would make me a little more comfortable about trying to remember her in a positive way.
2 years 2 months ago
Beautiful, young and full of life left sadly those who loved her, we will carry her in our hearts and thoughts
Mo Sadiq
2 years 2 months ago
I was a member of her Marvelfans group. Charlotta always answered messages. Did custom requests to the correct specification, as you wanted & was a total pleasure to interact with, A lovely girl in all of my contacts with her.
Our lives will be a bit more darker without her light shining away. Pass my sympathies to her family. They must be devastated with their loss.
A Cutie Fan
2 years 2 months ago
What a shame. R.I.P. Sad when the very young pass barely living much life.
2 years 2 months ago
Devastating news… I’m just gobsmacked… I don’t think there’s much that can be said, that others haven’t already expressed… this just sucks… so young… such an amazing presence… her joy and beauty shown in every picture and every frame… I appreciate you letting us know, TM… I also respect the decision to not release anything new at this time… I understand the concerns of, or at least potential for, a perception of impropriety… it’s a horrible tragedy, and it’s going to take time to process and come to terms with her passing… I do think it could be possible to celebrate her life and work with additional releases if you ever choose to… especially knowing how much she enjoyed modelling and sharing with fans… there could be potential in the future for loving, tasteful tributes… you could always donate a portion of the proceeds to charity or Charlotta’s family, if you choose… I’m certainly not trying to press for future releases… I’ll always appreciate her beauty and spirit, but it’s different now… my heart hurts… I know it must be especially difficult for you… it’s obvious how much you care about all of the models… just letting you know I respect your choices, regardless and wouldn’t judge you harshly whatever you decide… and now, I have to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Charlotta… for sharing her time, beauty, and charms with us… in your short time modelling you were one of the best, and you will be sorely missed… and your fans love you more than you may have known… if there is an “other side”… I’m sure you’ll rock it too, girl!
2 years 2 months ago
Thanks a lot.
2 years 1 month ago
If you were to release, new or unreleased content. Perhaps if the funds were donated, to her family to help cover costs, or her favorite charity?
We do that at my work. It helps.
2 years 1 month ago
It is out of the question for now. But if we considered it, the family would have to approve first.
2 years 1 month ago
Of course, nothing less would be called for.
2 years 1 month ago
im still crying and i feel like this is a nightmare its not true
heaven really has a amazing person now
2 years 1 month ago
I still weep. It is very difficult.
She is amongst the angels. Charlotta is in our hearts forever.
2 years 1 month ago
This is very unfortunate, can’t believe that this is what I come back to. My heart is heavy for this loss RIP Princess
2 years 1 month ago
I haven’t been to this site in a while, so returning here to see this was an absolute shock! I really have no words for how tragic this is. I’m so sorry for her family to have to endure such a loss. She was so young, vibrant and beautiful. May she always shine down on those that loved her.
Got something to discuss?
This will be a word mess because I cannot describe in words the sorrow, but my hope is that this is therapeutic.
My first thought was that in no way could this be true. It is impossible that this could have happened to an angel, somebody so pure and full of love. She had just turned 20 years old, with an entire life ahead of her. She was loving to everyone she met and a professional in modeling with our colleagues. My comments feel generic, but I cannot find the words to describe her any other way.
Charlotta had returned from a trip abroad and was involved in a car accident. There was no alcohol involved. However, it was 02:00 AM and the roads were icy. She was not the one driving. The driver just forgot to adjust to the ice on the roads. This is all verified news by the police who were at the scene of the crash.
We were just a month away from meeting for the first time. Unfortunately, this will not happen, at least not here. Though I pray one day I get the privilege to meet this angel. I know she still lives through her family, friends, and the work she has done over these few short years. Her energy and her soul will last forever, and are present in every individual she has touched.
The last words I said to Charlotta were “love you. Enjoy.” At the time, I thought it was a stupid thing to say, as I didn’t think before sending the message and thought maybe it came across as unprofessional. But now, those words at least make me smile, knowing that before she left us she at least knew that I truly did love her.
Before I end my comments, I would like to tell a short story about our work with Charlotta. When we were recruiting our models onto MarvelFans, she was one of the first models to join (April 29, long before launch). The website was completely empty other than a few test posts by me. Without even asking, Charlotta would make posts on her page to an empty audience. We never asked her to, we never requested it, we never even told her the launch date. She would just upload content, I’m guessing to get a head start on what was to come, and that modeling was her passion. Lots of times we have to instruct a model on what to do or how to be successful here. It is not an exaggeration to say that Charlotta may have loved her job more than any other model here.
As far as Charlotta content here goes: the current content will stay, as we feel that it would not be right to erase someone’s pride and work just because of a passing. At the same time, we currently do not feel it is okay to release future content of Charlotta, this includes content she has done with other models. We simply do not know if it is right to release it, and we would rather be prudent than foolish or potentially disrespectful. That is our stance for the time being. It may change, it may not.
You may leave your prayers, thoughts, comments, and well wishes here.
Thank you to everyone for giving Charlotta a home. I love you all.
Dear god, this is terrible news. So incredibly hard to hear this. An obviously beautiful person inside and out. She had a rare passion for her work that was so obvious. Gone far soon.
So sad to see this.
So young and full of life.
Rest in peace and thank you for gracing or lives.
It’s so sad when young people is taken from us. Being open about sorrow shows that you care and also we fans do care. It also made me emotional. As David said below, life is fragile. Stay safe all and take care of each other.
I am sure there is a place for good people like Charlotta somewhere else in another life.
Holy shit, this is so fucking sad. My thoughts are with you guys, seriously take some time to hug your loved ones extra tight. Life is fragile. What a tragedy
Truly sad that my favorite model here has passed on.
Awful news, RIP.
This is profoundly saddening for me. I always enjoyed Charlotta’s work and seeing a new set from her would always brighten my day. For what it’s worth from an Internet stranger, I will miss her and she will live on in my memory.
As far as the decision to post or not post her uncompleted works. I often find it tacky, or worse, when the works of artists who have passed gets dredged up and put on display, although that is frequently regarding only partially finished or even private work. Reading what you’ve said, I feel that you have respect for her and her wishes and I think any decision that you make will be the right one.
Thank you all. It really does help.
This is truly devastating news. She was a very kind and sweet person and I will miss her. 🙁
Becouse I know her personally, I should tell you something about her. She attracted from attention wherever she went, from an early age. So I belive, that she was born to be a glamor model. And I can tell, that she’s been really happy these past few years. Becouse money from shoting helped her make dreams come true and she can traveled a lot.
Thank you my friend. It is good to hear that all of us helped make her dreams come true.❤️
And to all, I am sorry, I know it is difficult to visit our website and see this. This is supposed to be a happy place where you can enjoy yourself and see beautiful models, and this just ruins the mood. But I have to make a decision as a leader to announce this, it is not good to live in the dark and pretend all is fine. Plus, everyone here deserves to know. Not announcing it would eat at me forever. Charlotta is part of our family, we must honor her life and passion for modeling. We’ll get things back to normal shortly.
Of course you had to share. We are all family here… deeply sad news… indeed heaven has a glorious new angel…
No need for apologies, it’s important to take time out to honour someone who’s given so much on here.
Thank you.
This internet thing has made a new kid of relationship possible. If not common.
Of course we get attracted by the visual. But we get to know the persons, in front of the camera, we envy those behind it too.
TM+MC have created a place where that is possible, that is so cool. Things will move forward as they must.
100% the right decision
Be proud team, I would expect nothing less from a professional site like TM. To not post the incredibly sad & devastating news, would be an insult to Charlotta and her fans. We all have to deal with the reality of life. Its fickle and frail sometimes, and sometimes hard to deal with. Is there a way that there can be a permanent place for remembrance within the site? I know it will be a hard decision as to how long Charlottas Memory will stay on the home page. Forever I say, but a memorial section may now have to be included in the site. Thanks for letting us know about this very, very, sad news
in such a sensitive & compassionate way.
This news leaves one deeply sad and with teary eyes. Thank you TeenMarvel for finding the right words! Charlotte had an incomparable charisma and presence. She was one of a kind. I wish her relatives, friends and also the colleagues in the Marvel cosmos a lot of strength. She remains unforgotten!
Such awful news, hard to believe it’s true. Charlotta always seemed to radiated with happiness. Not a single hint of going through the motions to be found. I could only see genuine joy and love.
Heartfelt condolences to everyone who loved her.
May she rest in peace.
This is devastating news… even though I have never met Charlotta, she seemed very sweet, good natured and full of life, it’s devastating to see someone so young perish with most of her whole life still in front of her…
Just can’t believe it and so shock to hear this news,So young and beautiful,Gone way too soon, It’s not been my year,I lost a great friend back in may,Gone too soon too,My heart goes to family, Friends and people who knew Charlotta,Such very sad loss,R.I.P.,So heartbreaking
This is so sad, my best wishes for her family and friends
So heartbreaking to hear, but thanks for sharing with us. My thoughts and condolences go out to her loved ones. I can tell the world lost another bright spot. It can feel so cold and senseless in times like these, but may her memory live on with those she held dear, and in her fans who got to experience her passion, kindness and beauty firsthand, for all too short of a time.
Rest in Peace Charlotta.
I am very shocked and saddened by this news. I could tell she really enjoyed her time here and it was allowing her to do what made her happy. It’s very heartbreaking when someone so young and so full of passion and love is taken from this world far too soon.
This life we have is precious. She can teach us that it’s important to spend as much time doing things you love and being around those you care for, because tomorrow is not a guarantee. It sounds like every life she touched made them better for it. My condolences to her family, friends, and to all the fans of hers that enjoyed her content and supported her work. Stay safe everyone.
Thank you Charlotta for your beautiful work. you will be missed. my respects for you and your family and co workers.
Too young, too soon. Wish her friends and family the best.
Very sad news, so young….what a shame. Rest in Peace
RIP Charlotta
You brought joy and happiness to so many doing something you loved.
Heartfelt thoughts and well wishes go to her friends and family during this difficult time of grieving her loss.
Very Sad News Wow She really was my Fav Model here. So very sad to hear this. RIP CHARLOTTA. SHE REALLY WAS A GREAT MODEL
Some people in the TM/MC/MF community might want to help but could also feel awkward about buying a video.
Might be controversial, but how about a one month campaign whereby an option to donate appears as part of the checkout process. maybe 5, 10, 20 dollars? All proceeds to go to Charlotta’s family or a charity of their choice. It would make me a little more comfortable about trying to remember her in a positive way.
Beautiful, young and full of life left sadly those who loved her, we will carry her in our hearts and thoughts
I was a member of her Marvelfans group. Charlotta always answered messages. Did custom requests to the correct specification, as you wanted & was a total pleasure to interact with, A lovely girl in all of my contacts with her.
Our lives will be a bit more darker without her light shining away. Pass my sympathies to her family. They must be devastated with their loss.
What a shame. R.I.P. Sad when the very young pass barely living much life.
Devastating news… I’m just gobsmacked… I don’t think there’s much that can be said, that others haven’t already expressed… this just sucks… so young… such an amazing presence… her joy and beauty shown in every picture and every frame… I appreciate you letting us know, TM… I also respect the decision to not release anything new at this time… I understand the concerns of, or at least potential for, a perception of impropriety… it’s a horrible tragedy, and it’s going to take time to process and come to terms with her passing… I do think it could be possible to celebrate her life and work with additional releases if you ever choose to… especially knowing how much she enjoyed modelling and sharing with fans… there could be potential in the future for loving, tasteful tributes… you could always donate a portion of the proceeds to charity or Charlotta’s family, if you choose… I’m certainly not trying to press for future releases… I’ll always appreciate her beauty and spirit, but it’s different now… my heart hurts… I know it must be especially difficult for you… it’s obvious how much you care about all of the models… just letting you know I respect your choices, regardless and wouldn’t judge you harshly whatever you decide… and now, I have to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Charlotta… for sharing her time, beauty, and charms with us… in your short time modelling you were one of the best, and you will be sorely missed… and your fans love you more than you may have known… if there is an “other side”… I’m sure you’ll rock it too, girl!
Thanks a lot.
If you were to release, new or unreleased content. Perhaps if the funds were donated, to her family to help cover costs, or her favorite charity?
We do that at my work. It helps.
It is out of the question for now. But if we considered it, the family would have to approve first.
Of course, nothing less would be called for.
im still crying and i feel like this is a nightmare its not true
heaven really has a amazing person now
I still weep. It is very difficult.
She is amongst the angels. Charlotta is in our hearts forever.
This is very unfortunate, can’t believe that this is what I come back to. My heart is heavy for this loss RIP Princess
I haven’t been to this site in a while, so returning here to see this was an absolute shock! I really have no words for how tragic this is. I’m so sorry for her family to have to endure such a loss. She was so young, vibrant and beautiful. May she always shine down on those that loved her.