Ask Lili Anything!
Lili has agreed to answer your questions in a video. This is your chance to learn more about one of your favorite models! She will answer (almost) anything. If you want to submit your questions, the format is simple. Just follow the instructions.
Use our contact form to submit your question.
1.Fill out the form completely with your name and e-mail.
2. Use the subject line “Lili Questionnaire“
3. Submit one question in the message box. Make it a good one.
1. Do not ask for any personal information. This includes names, social media, relationships, etc. These questions will not be answered.
2. Be a civil human being.
The most popular and creative questions will be answered, so do not be disappointed if your question is not answered. We will be taking questions for the next week. Afterwards, submissions will be closed. A video will be released soon after with Lili answering the questions submitted. We look forward to your questions. Thank you for your support.
-TeenMarvel Team