Ask Madison Anything!

Many of you are madly in love with Madison. She is delighted to have so many fans, so she’s decided to answer (almost) any questions that you have about her.

Use our contact form to submit your question.

1.Fill out the form completely with your name and e-mail.

2. Use the subject line “Madison Question

3. Submit one question in the message box. Make it a good one.


1. Do not ask for any personal information. This includes names, social media, relationships, etc. These questions will not be answered.

2. Be a civil human being.

Just like with Lili, the best questions will be answered, and the ones she is comfortable with. This will run for a few weeks, but submit your questions now so they have a higher chance of us getting around to them. If you want her to answer by  your name then let us know, otherwise all questions will be anonymous. Thank you for your support!

-TeenMarvel Team